Chapter 1

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Hell's Kitchen is a small town with descant popularity the people who lived there were divided into three types of classes firstly the rich people who own half of the city they live in condos, they have money that could buy a whole town there money bought the silence for the questions about the origin of these money.

The second class is the poor side of the town the people who suffer from the third class.

The third class are the criminals of this town at the beginning the number of criminals was merely 1% of the town which was okay considering the police knew who they were and they were behind the bars, but after the event of Sokovia the number of criminals became more than 20% of the town and not just that but also a number of police officers now worked with such criminals.

When Ella moved to Hell's Kitchen she did not know anything about this percentage nor did she know about the Devil.

Ella moved to a building that she found a cheap apartment at the building consisted of two parts, part A and part B.

Each part had its own electricity and water wiring, the building had seven floors each floor had four apartments two apartments were from section A while the other two were from section B except the seventh floor it only had two apartments, apartment 7A and 7B due to this floor only having two apartments the doors were not as close as the rest of the floors so Ella did not make any contact with her Neighbors which was what was best for her as she like her privacy.

Ella dragged her Luggage up the stairs, it helped that she was athletic, so she did not break a sweat, she entered her already furnished apartment as he had sent her furnisher which was not much she had a simple black sofa with a simple wooden coffee table and a small monitor in the middle of her living room, the walls were coffee which fits the kitchen and the living room very well her kitchen consisted of a small oven that was black while her kitchen was brown and a simple black kettle and a small refrigerator, as for her bedroom there was a small bed and a bedside lamp and a small wardrobe, if anyone would enter her apartment they would say it is not furnished at all considering she had half of the floor to herself but that was all Ella could afford and she was happy with it.

She unpacked her Luggage and got dressed in her pajamas she made her self a cup of tea then went to bed as tomorrow was going to be a stressful day as she had an interview for an assistant job at a well known Law company and she need all the sleep she could get.

The Devil's Salvationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن