Chapter 8

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For a while things at the office had been moving slowly, every day Ella went to work she would find a new gift lying on her office, with a new note of course she knew who left it there it was none other the Matt Murdock who wanted nothing but to get her to feel the same way about him.

of course Ella felt the same way towards him, Ella knew that he was going to be a part of her and her life since the day they first met, she did not know how they would see each other again but she knew that he was the love of her life.

Ella's side of family especially her mother and her grandmother were only to fall in love once they would find what is called a soulmate whether he was good or bad that was not their problem because they only got to fall in love once

Things have been slow yet the office was busy, she has not seen Matt for a while now yet she still received his daily gifts, she missed his company and she was worried about him she knew he was facing danger on daily basis

Matt felt hollow without Ella, he could not see or meet her due to things being crazy and he had to protect her , He knew that he had to watch over her, but he also need to protect the city.

Ella was worried about Matt she knew he need to protect the city but still he himself need protection after all he was a blind man watching over a city full of criminals, Ella knew that he wouldn't want to stop what he was doing so she decided that she need to watch over him.

Shadow had to make another appearance but she had to be careful so Matt or the Devil of Hell's Kitchen would not sense her.

Ella finished her job at the office then she head to her apartment, Karen on the other hand went out with Foggy to celebrate another costumer joining the office.

Matt wanted Ella to tag along as he was trying to take advantage of any time he could spend with Ella but he knew that he was going to leave them at the bar sooner, so he was somehow glad that she did not join them.

Ella was searching her fridge for something to eat but she did not find anything as Karen forgot to stock the fridge, so Ella had to head to the nearest shop she could find, while she was at the shop there was theft happening, The Devil was on a rooftop when he heard about the shop that was being shop lift but by the time he arrived he found the shop keeper safe and the thief was bound and unconscious  and the police had arrived, he heard the shop keeper saying that one second the thief was threatening  her with a gun and then he was on the floor unconscious and he was tied  and that she did not see anything, and when they asked her if there was anyone else in the shop, she said that there was a girl who came by and left before the thief  had entered.

Matt left when he heard about the girl then he later returned to ask the shop keeper about the girl's features because deep down he felt like it was Ella and he was correct as the girl was definitely none other than Ella but the shop keeper assured him that she had left before the thief had entered and that she was safe so Matt left thinking about Ella.

Ella went home after what happened at the store as shadow semi appeared to safe the shop keeper from the thief but fortunate for her it was too dark for the shop keeper to see anything and that the cameras were off so Shadow was not caught on camera.

Ella could not sleep that night so she wandered of to the nearest workout place she kept punching and working out till she sensed someone and hide.

Matt could not sleep thinking that if Ella had not left a few seconds before the thief entered the shop she would have gotten hurt and he would not have protected her, of course he was wondering about the hero that saved the shop keeper but the idea of Ella getting hurt was consuming him, so he took his bag and went to the gym to work out.

while Ella was hiding she heard heavy foot steps then a bag being thrown that heavy punches falling on the punching bag she lightly turned to find that she was in fact correct and that it was Matt who was training, Ella sensed him so she was not surprised, she could sense him before he entered the building so she felt safe she knew she did not need to fight whoever was entering the building then she smelled his cologne.

Ella looked up to make sure that Matt did not sense her, he was too busy taking out his frustration to sense Ella so she slipped out and made sure to cover her tracks.

once she reached her apartment she threw herself on her bed but she did not sleep until she heard the keys to Matts apartment jiggling and him padding on his floor till he reached his bed that was when sleep took over Ella.

Matt entered his apartment and padded till he reached his bed he sat on his bed thinking that he would still be unable to sleep but just like Ella sleep took over him.

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