Chapter 7

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Ella kept trying to reach her aunt and she decided that as soon as she was going home she would pack and go find her, so once Ella finished her work, she left and hurried to her apartment to pack and go see her aunt, once she reached her apartment she found her aunt was about to knock on her door, they hugged and she invited her in, her aunt explained to her that she had lost her phone and things weren't good at there town and a lot of bad things have been happening, she told her about what happened since the last time they met, Ella asked about her brother and if he was doing okay, she told her to pray for him because he needs all the prayer he could get and that he needed her, Ella told her that she is always there for him and that she is keeping an eye on him just in case he needed any help, of course Ella knew what was happening to him but she still needed her aunt to assure her that they were fine and out of harms way, Karen came home a while later Ella introduce her to her aunt the three women get along even Ella's aunt acted like she knew Karen for a long time, her aunt had came in order to give Ella her gift as she could not see her on her birthday, her aunt had bought her one of her favorite books.

Her aunt knew that Ella does not like to celebrate but that does not stop her from giving her gifts, they spend that night together and the next day Ella took the day off to spend it with her aunt as she was leaving at the evening.

Karen showed up alone, Ella had called Foggy to take the day off, Foggy agreed as the girl needed at least a day off, in the middle of the day Matt showed up at the office, he searched for Ella and was upset when Foggy told him that she took the day off.

of course he knew she deserved a day off but he missed her, he has been away on a mission out of town as Matt Murdock the lawyer to help someone out but he missed her, all he could think about if he was going to see her again or not, even though his mission was a success but he regret leaving her he felt hollow without her.

Ella said goodbye to her aunt and they hugged, her aunt lingered and kept holding Ella and Ella did the same, she knew she might not see her again, when most of the world disappeared including Ella's brother Ella and her aunt moved in a small apartment near there town so when he returned they would know and Ella would leave.

Ella spent two years with her aunt, but suddenly she started to fade, she spend three years but unlike others who disappeared Ella could see everything happening around her, she did not fade into darkness in fact she was just invisible but she stopped ageing in those three years so now even though she was supposed to be twenty two yet she is only nineteen almost twenty, she was turning twenty in a couple of month.

Ella felt lost without her aunt she was the only family she had, her mother fell in love with a married man a scientist, her mother was his assistant her love for him blinded her, he used her to finish his research, she used to help him experiment and she did his work for him most of the time.

he was the love of her life but to him she was a mere Guinea pig, he used to do his research on her using her for his experiments, he had an affair with her telling her that he had problems in his marriage and that he was not happy but when his experiments failed he blamed her mother that she was the cause of the failure as his experiments did not have an affect on her, and he said that his wife was expecting and that she was a mere mistake and a fling, she turned to her only friend Maria Mathews and her husband Jack who took her in and she explained everything to them of course Jack was shocked as he was a friend of the guy who ruined her life, when she gave birth and died they decided to take young Ella and call her their as they got attached to her, they turned to her father's aunt and uncle to explain to them what he did to find out that she was going to have a baby brother, her aunt and uncle stayed in her life even though she was adopted and by the time she lost both her parents then the rest of her family in a house fire her aunt and uncle had took in her brother, they wanted to take her in as well but they could only one child lucky for Ella one of her dad's friends considered Ella as his daughter so he took care of all her education expenses, unfortunately he could not adopt her as he was a single guy. 

But that did not stop Ella from visiting him, but after he passed away Ella felt that she had lost her father over again, she died before Ella returned visible again, she could not go to his funeral, for one it was too late and two he lived at her old town and three he was also a family friend so her brother was at his funeral.

Ella lost most of the people she cared about, for years she was convinced not to let anyone get too close to her, as she believed that who every gets close to her dies she believed she was a bad omen to the people she cared about, so she did not get too close, she was a closed off person, until she met Karen, Foggy and Matt, Karen was like a sister to her that she swore she would protect even if it kills her, Foggy even though she was not that close to him but she felt like he was an overprotective older brother as for Matt even though she still does not know if he genuinely cares about her or if was a mere play boy who flirts with every woman or girl he meets but Ella knew that he was her soulmate, but she  was going to be smarter than her mother, she won't let him walk over her not like her mother did with her father, she was going to protect her heart from him, she knew that he was the one but if it meant that she would break her own heart to protect herself she would do it, yet she knew that she had to protect him.

Ella Mathews would die for her sister and her soulmate without a heartbeat.

Ella had a pure heart, she did not inherit anything from her mother except a necklace that belonged to her grandmother, she never met her mother nor did she meet her grandmother, she only heard what happened to her mother from her aunt.

her mother did not meet her mother either, she was raised by Maria's mother as she had adopted her, all her mother got from Ella's grandmother was her necklace, Ella's grandmother died giving birth to Ella's mother fortunately for her mother was that her adoptive mother was a doctor at the hospital where she was born and immediately adopted her.

Ella believed her family were cursed, the women in her family died giving birth and the men in her family well she did not know if all men in her family was like her monster father.

she hoped that not all men are like her father and not all women are like her mother and grandmother.

she wondered who her grandfather was, she did not know anything about her grandmother except her name "Aida" was he name of her grandmother.

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