Chapter 2

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Her Alarm Woke her up, She dragged herself out of be then entered her bathroom to wash up then she got dressed in a black pants, with a black shirt and wore her black leather Jacket

and tied her hair into a bread then she grabbed her cross back with her phone, resume and wallet and left her apartment, she started her walk to the place she had her interview at, to say she was nervous was an understatement as she reached her de...

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and tied her hair into a bread then she grabbed her cross back with her phone, resume and wallet and left her apartment, she started her walk to the place she had her interview at, to say she was nervous was an understatement as she reached her destination, she felt more nervous as she found a large number of people applying for the job but they look overdressed or maybe she was the one who did not fit in that place, she reached the assistant and gave her the paper and she filled in the form but the assistant gave her a horrible look so Ella went to nearest coffee shop to get herself a drink and calm down, she was in her own world as the shop was crowded she felt a tap at her shoulder she turned around to find the most handsome man she had ever seen he was wearing a red sun glasses and held a stick in his left hand, he smiled at her apologetically, she thought that was the most cute smile she had ever seen

"Sorry to disturb you Miss but the place is crowded, I was wondering if I can sit with you" He asked shyly

"Of course sir I would be honored" She replied

Matt Murdock was working hard at their firm, he felt like he need some fresh air, so he took his stick and went for a walk then he smelt the scent of coffee he knew he was in deep need of caffeine, once he entered the shop he felt a pull towards a certain table that the person sitting there had the scent of honey with a mix of Vanilla, it was like Matt was addicted he found himself going to the owner of that scent and tapping on their shoulder to his surprise she turned out to be a woman and when he apologized he heard the sweetest voice he had ever heard her voice was like melody to his ears, he could sense that she was slightly nervous.

"Sorry to bother you, But we have not met before have we?" he asked

"No, I do not believe we have met before, actually this is probably my second day here in Hell's kitchen, though I feel like we have met before but I would have remembered, so sorry but I just moved here anyway, I am Ella " she replied

"Matt, Can I ask where did you move from?" he asked

"Seattle though I have been moving my whole life I do not recall a time that I settled down except if you mention boarding school as a place then I settled for four years tops" she replied

"you sound a little bit nervous" he said

"Well, I.."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he replied

"No, its just that I applied for a job as an assistant but the people there are not, I mean I do not feel like I will fit there"

"You are worried that you won't be accepted?"

"Not that, I have a feeling that why file won't be sent to the manager that is all"

"Why do you say that?"

"The assistant was not very friendly, and like I said I know I would not fit there, you could say that the way I dress does not fit their category"

"Oh, I know what you mean, If I ask to look at your Resume"

"Oh, just a second, Here you are"

"Braille !"

"Yeah, I learned to write and read braille just in case, You can keep it if you want, I apologize but I need to go and it was nice to meet you, perhaps we will meet again" she said while packing her things.

"I will definitely see you" he replied after she left.

he took his wallet out in order to pay for his drink but the waitress said that his drink was paid for he asked who paid it, she replied "The girl that was with you" he smiled.

he remember even though he was blind but he felt her smile while they were speaking which made him smile,

he remember even though he was blind but he felt her smile while they were speaking which made him smile,

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he went back to the office.

like Ella had predicted they did not interview her she took her papers and left the building, she was not angry nor was she disappointed because she knew that this would happen, but as she was leaving a beautiful blonde girl stopped her on the entrance of the firm, Ella felt like she had known her for a while the girl asked her if she was one of the people who were applying for the assistant role and Ella replied with a yes, the girl asked her if she was accepted, Ella replied honestly that they did not give her a chance, the girl told her that she was working for a small law firm and that they were in need of a second assistant and asked Ella if she was willing for the role and Ella replied with a happy yes, the girl told her that the pay wasn't much, Ella replied "The pay is not all, I am willing to work with you"

"I am Karen page by the way"

"Ella Mathews"

Karen took Ella to the next building where they climbed the stairs the firm was at the third floor, Karen welcomed her into the firm and asked her for her Resume which Ella gave to her and then she Signed the contract and now Ella had a decant job, Ella did not care for the money, she only wanted a job to prove herself, she returned to her apartment where she ate her homemade pasta then went to bed, Karen had told her that she would start the next day and that they start the day at eight a.m.

Ella was excited for the next day as Karen had told her that she was going to meet the owners of the office Mr. Murdock and Mr. Nelson.

Ella slept and she immediately dreamt of the handsome man she met at the coffee shop hoping to meet him again.

what she did not know that the handsome man was thinking the same.

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