Chapter 14

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Matt was losing his mind once he heard about Ella's disappearance, his mind was going over the edge when he heard the word she is gone, his legs started moving on their own he did not wait to hear about her aunt, both Karen and Foggy were surprised by his reaction, they both knew how Ella felt but they never would have imagined that Matt also cared about Ella, especially that Matt was a natural flirt and he never showed any emotions but once he heard about Ella's disappearance his face showed worried and when he left it was like he was running not caring about his blindness.

Matt was worried about Ella, he could not think straight all he was thinking about was the idea to find the woman he loved, he keeps blaming himself for leaving her and going away, What if something happened to her? What if she was hurt? What if someone took her? a lot of ideas were going through his mind while he was racing to his apartment to get his Devil suit, it was time for the Devil to search for his Salvation, once he reached his apartment he got in his suit and went searching for what is his.

after searching for hours he could not find any sign of Ella, he went back to his apartment to quickly change into his normal self then he went to the office to search for any lead to his Ella, when he reached the office door he heard both Foggy and Karen speaking which was odd because even though he was blind but he could still tell that it was late, he opened the office door.

both Foggy and Karen were shocked to hear the office door opening and to find that Matt had returned to the office, he looked like a mess it was clear that he had been busy with something since he first left the office.

"I am glad to find you both here, I wanted to ask a question" said Matt

"sure" replied Foggy

"What happened?" asked Matt

"What do you mean?" asked Karen

"What happened that made Ella disappear?, this is not typical Ella." replied Matt

" Didn't you hear?" asked Foggy

"no, hear what? Foggy What happened?" asked Matt getting more worried

" a woman called May parker died" Foggy said

"What? When? and What does that have to do anything with Ella's disappearance?" asked Matt

Matt knew whom May parker was, she was the aunt of his latest client Peter Parker aka Spiderman

" a couple of days now" replied Foggy

" Ella's biological name is PJ Parker and May Parker was her aunt" replied Karen

"wait What?, come again, Ella's name is PJ? How do you know that Karen?" Matt was now furious

"yes, Matt her name is PJ but only her aunt and brother had the right to call her PJ, but for a while it was just her aunt who was allowed to call her PJ, and I know that Matt because I happen to be her bestfriend and protector" replied Karen

"bestfriend Karen, When the hell have you became her bestfriend?" asked Matt

" since the first day I met her, something just clicked" replied Karen

"it is true, they are even roommates" said Foggy

"come again, roommates!" said Matt

"yes, we are roommates, she heard about what happened to me and offered to share her apartment with me" replied Karen

" and What is with the protector thing?" asked Matt

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