CHAPTER 2 : The Interview

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Anna got a text from Stacy that she is gonna be late for the night, so she made herself dinner and unpacked all her stuff. Stacy had a big house, fit for 2-3 girls. She lived in an apartment, which fell in the city center and had a few famous cafes nearby. Her house was on the 7th floor and had this big window, where one can stand and get a glimpse of the whole New York city. It was as pretty as a Picasso painting.

Play this tune in the BG from SPOTIFY for better reading experience ( Miru [with rain] by klaüs )

Anna got her night suit on and sat besides the big window, holding a mug of coffee in her hand.

Anna got her night suit on and sat besides the big window, holding a mug of coffee in her hand

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New York....hmmm... You better give me an adventure.

Ring Ring...

" Coming ", Anna rushed to the door. It was 1 am in the morning. A girl with blonde short hair, dressed up all corporate, heels in her hand showed up on the door, it was Stacy.

" My girl. I have missed you ", and Stacy didn't leave a chance to bear hug Anna. Afterall it was after years they both saw each other.

Anna hugged her back. " So, you come up this late everyday? Is that how much work you do ?", She asked frowning her brows.

" It's New York baby. You have to earn like a bitch to survive here. You will grasp. " Stacy threw her heels on the floor and fell on the bed, relaxing both her arms. Anna joined her. Both the girls  talked about all the things they couldn't in these past years and fell asleep.

Anna Pov

' Good lord . I'm so late. I'm so damn late. ' I gathered all my necessary documents in my purse and started tucking my shirt in.

I saw Stacy wake up. It was 9 in the morning. She didn't realise it I'm sure until I told her. She took her towel and rushed to take a shower.

" Hey, I have office. But Where are you going ? ", asked Stacy taking a sneak besides the wall.

' Ohh... I am already lined for a few interviews today, and tomorrow and day after that. '

' Uhh my my. Girl on her heels, ready to hit the city already. ' Stacy spanked me and ran to the shower.

I giggled and got in front of the mirror fixing my front hair.

' I have to do this. This is me chasing my dreams and it begins today. Yes Anna . '

I pumped up some energy into myself for the day and hit the door out.

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