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....the scene opens in Karan Kundrra's bedroom, it was late night.》

"You need to stop, just stop blaming me for was you, who did it back then in the big boss house and even now, it's not me, everytime Karan, it's not me"...she says while packing her suitcase with her kohl smudged badly all over eyes, her tears weren't stopping.

"Me? Really Miss Tejasswi Prakash? *he laughs sarcastically* it was you, YES YOU(shouts) who was the reason of our fights, your ego, you are being self-centered even now and back then too. You never tried to respect our rel..."

"I wasn't the one respecting our relationship? KARAN do you even know what you are blaming me for? You are fighting with me for the one who tried to break us every now and then, didn't leave a chance to backstab us at the show and don't even leave a single chance, to drift us apart." *she says wiping her tears off*

"They are my frien..."

"Friends? Lmao what kind of friends are you even talking about Karan? Friends aren't the ones who make you fight with your partner. They aren't the ones who just jokes about your partners, every now and then and most importantly disrespect them."

"Teja, that wasn't disrespect, Umar just wanted to...."

"Wow KARAN KUNDRRA, terming me as INSECURE from a lady like RASHAMI, which i am clearly not, isn't disrespectful? You were being termed as INSECURE at the show too, and that too from Vishal, which you found hella disrespectful, i took your side, knowing you were just being possessive about me, and i respected your that trait too. But you here, are being okay with it"....*she locks the wardrobe saying it*

"Teja, you need to know a difference between him joking and disrespecting"

"Ohh wow Karan, but the issue isn't him disrespecting me or anything, the issue is about you hyping him up for the same"

"Teja you're taking it to another level now, fgs just stop it"

"Now i am taking it another level? Wow. No wait ig it's just too much now, i took it to a level now, let me raise the bar higher now..*she zips her suticase saying it and took it off from the bed making it stand on the floor* i am just done with this same sh*tty stuff, every single day. I am just done *she screams in tears*, anyways, it was nice knowing you MR KUNDRRA, hope our paths never meet again"

....with this, she fakes a smile, walks towards him, asks for a space, and then unintentionally hits him on the shoulder, making him feel a jerk, wipes her tears off, and leaves the room, slamming the door, leaving behind Karan with teary eyes, on the floor.

"...i love you Teja, i love you" he murmurs.

                   《 chapter one, ends.》

hope you liked this one, looking forward for your thoughtful comments....

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