Messed THEM

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He knew he had to do something about this, he knew they fought every day and get back to eo, at the end too, but he also knew this wasn't like the normal fights they had. This was something like maybe a big fight, analyzing the scenario after he returned home. But he had an instinct that this might bring a drastic change in their relationship, like maybe a turning point, either POSITIVELY or maybe NEGATIVITY...
He slept fighting with his thoughts...


the sun rays fell on his face, he rubbed his eyes, and turned to hug her like always, but to his surprise there wasn't anyone sleeping beside him.
His face just fell from a happy smiling kid to a dull one. He got up, scratching his head,"Teju"  he shouted.

He removed the blanket, and wore his sleepers, walking towards the washroom, he knocked shouting her name again,"laddoo, how much time will you take? I need a hug." He said like a kid.
He knocked again to find out there was no one present in the washroom.

He went straight to his lobby shouting,"Teja yaar kahan hai".

And there stood Om with a perplexed look on his face, with his look Karan actually remembered what all happened last evening and his face just fell. Byt trying to hide that dull face, he made up a smile, going towards the kitchen to warm his tea.

Om went behind him calling him,"bhai?"
"Why are you here this morning by the way? Work or what? Anyways do you need a cup of tea too? Cs i make the BEST CHAI EVAA", he chuckles bitterly.


"That means you need a chai, okay sir done."

"Bhai" he shouts loudly, this time.
"Om, you high or something this morning or what? I am here standing near to you, and you're shouting like i am miles away."

"Let's just stop acting like you don't know what happened like..."
"Like? I seriously don't know what you are high on, Om."

"Stop, and listen to me, please. You come out of the bedroom, shouting Bhabhi's name, remembering what happened last evening, that i don't even know what actually happened but anyways, your face just dulls out. You forget everything, just in a second, try to act like everything's normal? Ik it isn't but why? Why is it necessary for you to like fight everyday? Just blame each other? Hurt eo and yourselves too..."

"What do you even want me to do that? SHOUT LIKE A MAD THAT EVERYTHING ISN'T ACTUALLY NORMAL?"
"Id meant that-"

"What do you even mean Omi? What to do?" He shouted and started walking towards his room.
"I want you two to sort everything out once and for all and just stay happy" he shouted back.

"There isn't even any thing to sort it out now Om, and talking about staying happy? Huh *he chuckled* that she is, without me, and trust me happier" he said it while opening the door to enter his bedroom.
"Happier? Like what? Staying anywhere but at her house. Nobody knows where she is, from the last night, she didn't even return home, i even called Tai, but she hasn't any update about her aswell." He shouted.

Karan stopped for a min and then while closing the door he shouted," She's at her Om, safe and happy-, she's safe, trust me."
"But she.."
"Tai is probably lying to you, Om. I know Teja she might be cry...She is at her home."
And with that he shut the door, the tear fell on his cheek, he just fell on his knees.
.....She opened her eyes, with the rays that fell on her face. Her eyes all red, like she cried whole night; lips all dry, hair all messed up, headache, and the time she tried to get up, her back didn't let her, it was aching like hell, she got up anyhow, with a notice about her stomach aching, aswell, she got to know, she got her periods.

"NOT NOW, PLEASE. my problems just gets adding up and make the situation even worser."

       《Chapter four, ends.》

hope you are liking this one, looking forward for your thoughtful comments....

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