"Just The Two Of Us"

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Third person POV

Sangvis : you ready to go yet?

Kalar : *sigh* yes yes, you impatient little weeb.

Sangvis : i'll have you know i spent good money on my cosplay!

Kalar : and why would you choose such a pale skin color, almost like as if you were ripped straight out off a manga page?

Sangvis : not like you can say much, mister "dressed in black". Ya Emo.

Kalar rubbed his forehead in agitation at his sisters jabs at his outfit. Sangvis giggled at his antics before straightening her back.

Sangvis : well come on then! Those guys have already started without us!

True to her words, below them was the absurdly massive figure of the colossal titan in the middle of a decimated village. Sangvis then proceeded to jump off the platform and dived towards the walls. Kalar let out another sigh as he watched his sister jump right off the floating platform.

Kalar : we're five hundred meters in the air yet you still jump? *sigh* well, i suppose i might as well follow her before she gets herself killed again.

Kalar straightens his arms out and lets himself fall, following his sister down to the ground, back with his sister we could see as the grin on her face grew as she slowed down with a jetpack. Which seemed to be a jumpkit from an entire different universe all together.

Lifting up her and clenching her pale fists, she lets out a maniacal laugh and bits on her wrist. Her body lights up as pure white lighting strikes her in mid air, releasing a blinding light for whoever decided to look up due to the loud bang.

Even the scouts placed on top the walls, who were still occupied by the colossal titan, looked up.

Up in the sky was Sangvis in titan form, which was practically a carbon copy of her, clothes included but size increased. In her two hands were combat knives, both increased in size to hit her giant hands.

Her titan height was 14 meters.

Soon after the new titan appeared, another flash came as well, blindingly white lightning struck in mid air behind the black clothed titan.

Out from the smoke came another titan, armored in black organic material and holding a greatsword which seemed to be made of crystals.

The female titan landed first and looked towards the falling "black knight" who also landed behind her, although it had its sword planted in the ground. The titan knight pulled it out of the ground and gave the female titan a look, almost as if it raised its brow.

Shockingly the female titan laughed at the other titan, causing quite a few nearby humans to nearly have a geart attack.

The knight titan let out steam through its mouth guard, likely a sigh. The knight began to make gesture, pointing the female titan out to the gates, pointing directly at the beast titan.

"female titan" : you're a party pooper, fine fine, i'll kill the monkey.

The knight titan nodded his head and turned towards the approaching colossal titan, as the knight lifted his blade, he noticed the slumped over figure of the armored titan in the distance. Focusing back on to the colossal, he inhaled air as he pointed the tip of the sword to the ground behind him, before swinging it upwards creating an ark.

The ground leading from the tip of the blade shattered, travelling up to the colossal like as though an invisible blade was being draged through the ground. Once it hit the colossal's left leg, it split in two, causing the nearby spectators mouths to drop wide open.

Steam came out of the knights mouthguard as he tried to cool down.

On the houses near the colossal titan were the remaining scouts all looking in shock at the sheer devastationed caused by that swing. Bertholdt who was still in the titan toppled to a kneel in shock.

Bertholdt : w-what?

The knight, not giving the colossal any time to ponder rushed in, however Bertholdt reacted by releasing another burst of steam, launching the knight into the wall. Armin and Eren who were both still on the wall looked at each other and nodded.




Sangvis was rapidly approaching the beast titan, causing it to shift his focus to her instead of throwing the rocks towards the scouts. The scouts who were previously getting hammered by the beast watched as she ran forwards at horrifying speeds, a cable shot out and latched on to her arm.

The person who had latched themselves on to the female was Levi, who was rapidly approaching her neck. Just as he was in arms length, she grabbed him and held him up to her face.

Sangvis : sup little man, how do you feel about being thrown?

Levi : you titan shit-

Before the man could slice her fingers into ribbons, the female threw the man towards the beast titan. Zeke, who considered Levi the bigger threat, focused on shooting him out the sky but sent the pure titans after the approaching shifter.

Levi who saw the oppurtunity before him, zoomed towards Zeke with a vengeance, the "carriage" titan retreated as he got closer.

Sangvis was too busy having fun tearing through the pure titans to notice the approaching scouts from behind, who quickly latch on to her. Using the knife in her hands she sliced the ropes in quick succession, leaving those scouts without hooks.

Sangvis laughed in their faces before running off to join her brother, however the steam coming from the wall was preventing her from getting any closer. Since she was smaller than most shifters and faster, she lacked the durability to do anything in this situation.

Sitting down with a pout on her face, she turns to look at a red haired scout shivering in fear whilst on his ass.

Sangvis : yo.

And just like that, the man lost his composure.

The female titan let out another laugh at the "funny red midget".



Todays idea was created due to me and my sibling constantly playing titan warfare, a Attack On Titan roblox fan game.

Todays idea was created due to me and my sibling constantly playing titan warfare, a Attack On Titan roblox fan game

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One of these is my avatar, the other is my siblings, you can probably guess which is mine pretty easily

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One of these is my avatar, the other is my siblings, you can probably guess which is mine pretty easily.

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