Chapter 7

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Zach: So let's talk about you

Me: There's nothing really interesting about my life...

Zach: There has to be, you're really pretty and you have a chill personality

Me: Okay what you wanna know?

Zach: Play any sports?

Me: Use to play soccer when I was 4 and I use to Cheer in middle school

Zach: Oh cool I play soccer

Me: was fun when I was little but I grew out of it. I sometimes watch soccer games.

Zach: Oh that's cool who's your favorite team?

Me: Barcelona

Zach: Really? That's my favorite team too

Me: They are like the #1 team rn

Zach: Ikr

Me: Yeah..

Zach: So use to be a Cheerleader?

Me: Yeah I was so good but I kinda got tired of all the competitions and quit.

Zach: You get tired of a lot of things

Me: Well, I guess I do

Zach: Do you tired of boyfriends?

Me: I wouldn't go out with someone that couldn't keep me entertained and make me happy. So no.

Zach: So how much boyfriends have you had?

Me: 4 in all. Threw elementary and middle school.

Zach: That's a good number

Me: Yeah

Zach: Do boys try to ask you out?

Me: All the time! Its annoying because all they ask for it my kik or my number

Zach: Do you you give it to them?

Me: Hell no

Zach: haha

Me: What about you?

Zach: I have had 3 girlfriends

Me: Do any girls ask you out at school?

Zach: No they actually just ask for shout outs

Me: haha oh wow

Zach: Yeah haha

Me: But its okay bc you already have your thousands of girlfriends

Zach: Yeah, they are so amazing. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for my FAM

Me: That's so sweet!!

Zach: Just speaking from the heart

Me: True.

Zach: So you doing anything today?

Me: dough it, I might go to the mall

Zach: Oh I heard Dakota and Rory where going to have a meet up at a mall in Boston

Me: Really! How didn't I know this?

Zach: I don't know everyone was talking about it.

Me: Well I think I'm gonna ask my mom to go to the mall brb

Zach: Okay.

I ran up to my mom and dad's room.

"Mom wake up!" I said shaking my mom's arm.

"What is it Katie?" My mom said turning her head to me

"Can I go to the Boston mall?" I begged her

"Say yes so she can leave us alone." My dad joked

"Okay fine, go with Chloe."

"Yay! Okay, I love you guys so much!" I said kissing them on the cheek

"We love you too." My dad said as I left

I put on my shoes and went outside.

I went to my neighbor's house.

Her son was finishing up cleaning hes car.

He knew me very well. He's a Sinor at my highschool we kinda grew up together.

"Hey Jason!" I yelled to him so he could hear me

"Hey kitty!" He said turning off the hose

Kitty was his nickname for me...I kinda like it but I always told him to stop calling me that.

"What's up?" I said walking closer to him

"Well just finished washing my car."

"Well Mr. Obvious tell me something I didn't just witness." I smiled

"Okay Ms. Sarcastic." He stopped to smile. "What are you over here for anyway?"

"I was gonna ask for a ride."

"Okay I'll give you a ride."


"No." He laughed

"Why not?"

"Because I just cleaned it."

"Its gonna get dirty anyway."

"I know but today is not the day."

"Please Jason you're the only person that I know who can drive me."

"Fine, let me change my clothes."

"Okay. I'll go get Chloe."

"Okay." He said before he went in he's house

I went to Chloe's house

I knocked 5 time on the front door while saying Chloe's name.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Chloe say before opening the door

"Come on where going to the mall."

"Okay hold on let me put on some shoes." Chloe closed the door.

"You ready? What about your purse?"

"Right! Brb."

Chloe came back down and we waited for Jason to come back out.

"Which mall are we going to anyway?" Chloe asked me

"The one in Boston."

"All the way over there?"

"Yeah I wanna see Dakota."

"Oh biology kid."

"Yeah." I blushed

"I can talk to him for you, if you want me to."

"No, I don't want him to think that I'm scared to talk to him."

"But you are." She laughed

"Shut up." I smiled

"Can I borrow your phone really quick?"

"Yeah here." I gave Chloe my phone

Chloe knows almost all my passwords for everything expect my email and Twitter.

"Look there's Jason." I said standing up

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