Chapter 29

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The doctor came in.

"Ready to these tests done so you can get home?" He smiled


"Can you move anything right now?" He asked

"Only my hand and fingers right now."

"Can you feel anything?"

"Yeah everything."

"Okay, you don't seem in good condition to go home."

"What do you mean? If I can breathe without a machine I think I'm okay."

"You're still in a lot of pain right now. You wouldn't be stable at home."

"I think I would be more comfortable at home."

"I have to talk to your parents about this. Speaking of your parents where are they?"

"They went to get stuff from home."

"Okay, well I need to talk to them. Ask the nurse for me when your parents come back."

I sighed.

The doctor left.

"Calm down, Katie." Zach said holding my hand

"I can't, I'm uncomfortable and claustrophobic."

"I know but you have keep your chill, these people helped you."

"You're right." I sighed and closed my eyes

I ended falling a sleep.

*Skip sleep*

"Get her head, Zach." I heard my mom say

They where putting me on my bed.

"Okay there." Zach said

"You got her?" My mom asked Zach

"Yes, ma'ma."

"Okay." My mom said leaving with my dad

Zach closed the door behind them.

He looked back at me. "You're up." he smiled

"Yes, and I have to pee."

"Umm okay. I'll help you in your wheelchair."

"Okay, but hurry."

Zach struggled helping me in the wheelchair, but he did it.

He pushed me to the bathroom.

"Okay I think I have it from here." I said trying to up

I used my hand to get up but I couldn't.

"Let me help you." Zach said grabbing stomach with both his hands

"I got lean how to do it myself." I said leaning on the sink

"You're fresh out the hospital, you're not strong enough." Zach said putting on the other sides of me in case I fall

"Okay can you put me on the toilet?" I was breathing hard

"You have to pull your underwear down."

"Can you do it? I won't fall I promise."

"Uhh." Zach pulled on my shorts


He pulled my underwear down and put on the toilet.

UNEXPECTED || Zach Clayton ~ BruhitszachOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant