Velvet room (2)

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"Would it kill you to relax?" Despite the pain in my side, I can't keep myself still. Lying here has made me restless; I can't even get up to go to school. It makes sense, honestly, but still.
"Yes, actually." I let sarcasm ooze from my voice and coat my words, sending a sarcastic glare at Akechi. He's been standing near the doorway for the past hour because I tried to get up earlier.
"You're overreacting you know, I'm fine." The look he gave me made it clear that he didn't believe me.
"Don't you have work to do or.. something? Id think the detective prince would have something better to do than watch "attic trash" all morning." I tried again, using his own nickname, but he stood unwavered.
"You're annoying," was my last ditch effort. A heavy sigh parted my lips and I rolled over slightly so my back was turned partly to him.
"Tch... annoying? You couldn't come up with a better insult?" It was my turn to ignore him.
"Are you..- ignoring me?" There was a small bit of irritation in his tone, to which I once more refused to answer. I heard a quiet sigh and soft footsteps leaving the room and descending the stairs. Is that technically a win?
My question was quickly answered when the smell of fresh coffee wafted into my room. That asshole... Screw him. Rain began to patter against my window as I got up, slow and steady. I placed my hand against the wall, then leaned my shoulder against it as I went down the stairs. Each step I took forward was agonizing, but my end goal was worth it.
Akechi was sitting on his own at a small bar in front of the kitchen; I've already figured out this isn't Leblanc, but the layout feels similar. He glanced up from his coffee, meeting my eyes. He stared at me for a moment, half in shock and half in amazement.
"You have a death wish, I'm sure of it." He placed down his coffee and got up, staring me down from where he stood. I stared back, his gaze pinning me to the spot. Its almost as if he's waiting for me to back down first... not happening.
"You seriously thought I wouldn't come down for coffee? Asshole.. making me come all the way down here for that..."
"And you could've asked for me to bring some up, idiot." His harsh words and bitter tone hit me harder than usual, perhaps because I'm tired. I didn't say anything in response, simply because it would've just been a repeat of my last statement.
"Are you seriously ignoring me again?" I cant blame him for being irritated, I mean, its still pretty early- wait, is it early? I didn't see a clock anywhere...
"No, I'm not. I don't have anything else to say, let me get some coffee." I pushed myself up from where I leaned on the wall, stumbling forward before catching myself. That doesn't go to help my case, like, at all.
"You cant even do that without nearly falling over... Its completely above me on how you even managed to get down here without falling down the stairs." His eyes tracked my movements, almost as if he was waiting for me to fall over again; Id do the same though, if he was in my state; the reasoning for that may vary, though. As far as I know, he's doing this out of some sort of obligation; Akechi has never come off as the caring type to me.
"How did you manage that, anyway?" I placed my hand on the side of the bar, the cool against my skin refreshing. Since when did it get so hot in here?
"Wall." My grip on the counter top tightened, dizziness overtaking me again. I swayed a bit in my place, Akechi's hand on my arm steadying me.
"See? What did I tell you?" My body felt weightless again, Akechi's arms stabilizing me mid air. I felt a bit of heat rise to my cheeks, simply brushing it off as being to close to Akechi, or the room being too hot. It's mid winter after all, the heater might just be on a big too high a setting.
"You'd best not be getting sick... I'm not your caretaker. Any more bother and ill be kicking you out without a seconds hesitation." He turned towards the staircase and I leaned my head against his chest, just as someone else walked in.
"Ak- Ah! S-sorry for interrupting-!" A woman's voice stretched across the room, the silence she left behind was suffocating; like, a pen could drop and sound like an explosion kind of silence. The kind of silence that brought out tensions. She sounded familiar, was that Sae-San?
"U-um.. who..-?" Akechis voice cut me off, and he sounded almost... flustered-?
"Shut up, not a word of this to anyone." I peaked out from under my bangs and noticed a flush of pink on his cheeks. And honestly, its kind of cute...

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