Liar (15)

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A bit of time passed, and I know this because I woke up struggling to breathe. There was pressure on my throat, restricting my ability to breath. The world was blurry to my eyes, a mix of colors being all I could make out properly. A mix of brown and red, though even that was hard to make out. The dim lighting of the room didn't make it any easier on me, darkening the colors further and leaving them beyond recognition.
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came from my mouth; no sound, my voice refused to answer me.
Someone.. help me-!
The next I knew, I was lying in a dark alleyway, red moonlight flooding over the semi-damp ground around me. It felt cold and rough on my skin, and scratches at my skin as I pushed myself up, the world spinning when I did.
What happened...?
My throat felt scratchy, the low grumble of pain pulsing through my body; it hurt, the pain clearing up my mind a bit.
Where am I...? I glanced around, seeing looming walls on two sides of me, a dead end before me, and a brighter space behind me.
I moved closer to the wall, my body protesting every movement, and pulled myself up.
It feels like I was hit by a train...
I searched my memory for a reason behind this fatigue, and set on a single blurred memory.
Someone was choking me; before that, I was with- wait Akechi! Is he-? No... was he the one who...? But why?
I stuck to the wall for a moment, the rough stone bricks rubbing against my skin and clearing up my mind. I focused on it for a moment before glancing behind me again; that may be my best bet, but...
It's way too bright. I squinted my eyes against the unnatural light, shading them with my free hand, and approached the opening.
The light grew brighter until it blinded me, then revealed a new scene to me. Before me stood someone who looked exactly like me, his hands in his pockets, the long jacket he wore stopping just above the ground.
The stranger turned and looked at me, a neutral look on his masked face, golden eyes staring right through me. The same white mask, long jacket, messy black hair... other than the eyes, before me stood a perfect replica of myself.
"W-who are you?" I already knew the answer to that question, but it fell from my lips anyway. The words, despite being spoken quietly, hurt coming out. My voice sounded hoarse, as though I hadn't spoken in weeks.
"I'm you, Akira, we both know that. You look horrible." He motioned before him and a table and chairs came out of nowhere; he invited me to sit a moment later.
"Join me?" My body moved without my asking, joining my shadow self at the table.
"Where are we?" My next questions a s a bit more sensible; I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly where we are, and it can't possibly be the metaverse. This has to be some sort of twisted dream... right?
"It's not a dream, this is reality, and this is our palace." I replayed his words in my mind, a second and third time. Our palace? His palace; I can't possibly have one, it's impossible. Morgana said so, Morgana-
"Morgana told you what he knew, or what he thought he knew. Morgana was wrong, to... an extent."
I kept my eyes on him, staring, frozen, cautious, and oh so very terrified.
"What do you mean? How was he wrong..? Akechi-"
"Slow down." My shadow interrupted me, waiting a moment to make sure I was listening.
"Morgana was right that persona users can't have palaces, they aren't suppose to, and this wouldn't be a special case normally." He paused for a moment to let it sink in, the continued on.
"But this isn't a normal case, there's someone else involved this time." The shadow spoke quietly, and I heard a hint of fear behind his tone. What does he have to be afraid of? And who's this third party?
"What do you mean? Third party? And why-" He cut me off before I could finish.
"I've already said too much, and your access to this place will be cut soon, so be quiet and listen, ok?" I kept quiet, and he spoke quickly to fill the space.
"There's someone else involved that's like Akechi, I don't know exactly what they want but he's in danger. You have to wake up, you need to get to him. He's in trouble Akira, you're taking up too much time." There was desperation behind his quick words, I could barely understand what he was saying.
"Please hurry, I can't hold it off much longer." The ground began to shift underneath us, it felt like and earthquake, almost. How do I know that-?
"You have to-" The voice before me faded, lodging itself in my brain instead. 
"Quickly..." A bit of static filled the space between his words, and even those where coming to be fewer.
"Save-" The sky cracked and fell, thrusting me back into an endlessly dark void space once more.
What was he going to say? I glanced around, finding nothing of my prior surroundings; all around me was the black void holding my mind captive.
Wait how do I-
And then that cracked too, a sickening dizziness overtaking me, foring my eyes shut. I felt weightless like nothing was supporting me, as though I were falling through open air.
What just... happened? My mind blanked on where I was, what I was, who I was...
Where am I..?
Empty space, empty mind, empty body... endlessly dark... horribly cold, too warm. Cant breath, don't need to breath. Can't see, too bright... can't think, it's too loud- it's too quiet.
Someone- please, please-! Someone help me-!
Words: 990

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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