Fever (3)

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Something was lying on top of me; something warm, something intentionally trying to restrict my movement. I tried to move, and felt fingers grip around my arms tighter.
"L-let go-" My conscious panic overtook my sleepiness, my eyes searching for my captor as they got used to the low light. My gaze met with Akechi's, and honestly... he doesn't look happy- again. What did I do-?
"Are you awake?" The tone he used was guarded, carefully bitter in a way that's meant to hide something. Despite that, it was... calming, almost. Though, that's likely from the fact that it's just Akechi and not someone trying to kill me for real.
"Yeah, I'm awake." I felt his grip on me loosen, letting up once he was sure I was actually awake. But... why-? I made an effort to push myself up, my arms refusing to actually work with me.
"Just listen to me for once in your life and stay. There." Akechi pinned me with a glare, his eyes as guarded as his voice.
"I'll be right back, don't move."
This time, I thought better of challenging him; my body already proved to me that it wouldn't agree to work with me, either, so there's no point in really trying to begin with.
I rose one of my hands to cover my face, my palm becoming damp upon touching my skin; it was unnaturally warm to the touch.
"Nnngh..." I pressed my fingers again my temples, the warmth radiating from my skin starting to give me a headache.
The quiet shuffle of socks alerted me to Akechi's return, but I was in no mood to move. Akechi took my hand away and pressed the back of his hand against my forehead, then laid something cold over it. I felt a bit of liquid run down from my forehead, it's safe to assume it to be water. The sudden change in temperature sent a shiver down my spine, making me more aware of just warm I actually am right now.
"Of course you had to go and do the exact thing I told you not to do... how do you feel?" The bitterness in his voice softened a bit at the end, though it's nowhere close to worry.
"I feel like I got hit by a truck, and wouldn't be surprised if you told me that I did." The words sounded a lot clearer in my head, incoherent mumbled reaching my ears when I tried to say it.
"Bad." I tried again, getting a better result this time.
"Thought as much..." Akechi brushed a stray bit of hair out of my face and I stared up at him, noticing something... off. His face seemed a bit swollen on the side, but from what?
"Did something happen?" The words were spoken quietly, barely audible, but I knew he heard me.
"You happened; started thrashing around in your sleep and hit me pretty hard." That would explain the bad mood.
"You're burning up to. Can you not go a single day without causing problems?" Akechi gave an exasperated sigh and sat down on the floor next to where I lay on his bed. Why am I still here, anyway?
"Because you're healing, in the case you forgot." Mindreader..? No... did I say that out loud-?
My eyes lingered on him for a moment, recognizing how tired he really looked. There were dark circles beginning to show under his eyes, and he was a bit pale, his cheek swollen from earlier; both where obvious despite the low lighting. I'll have to make that up to him...
"It's way to hot in here..." I said it without really thinking, but my mind didn't feel like it was working very well right now, either.
"You have a fever, that's your fault." He laid his head against the side of the bed, cushioned by his arms. "Why am I still dealing with this..." His tone conveyed annoyance, but there was an undertone that counteracted that idea completely. He sounded a bit tired, irritated, with a minuscule undertone of concern.
"Argh-" Akechi pushed himself up and grabbed my phone off the bedside table.
"What are you doing?"
"Calling your friends, I have no idea what I'm doing." His response was a bit snippy, but I don't blame him. He's clearly tired, and who knows how many hours of sleep he's actually managed to get. Akechi stepped out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts again.
My eyelids felt heavy and I felt dizzy, the room began to blur a bit in the peripherals. I'm tired... I let my eyes fall closed, the domain of sleep taking me back rather quickly.
POV: Makoto
My phone rang from across the room, I put down the book I was reading and check the caller ID, then picked up right away.
"Akira! You had everyone worried sick, where have you-" I was cut off by a voice that didn't belong to Akira Kurusu, no, it sounded more like...
"Wrong person, I'm using his phone and could use a bit of help." Akechi-?
"A bit of help? What happened to him that you of all people are-" He cut me off again.
"Listen, just... get to the address I'm about to text you. He's running a fever and nothing I'm doing is helping it go down, and I think he just blacked out again." The concern in his voice was rather clear, so was the frustration, so I held back any other comment I had, "I'll be right there," and hung up.
I opened the messaging app and sent the address in the group chat accompanied by a simple: Found him.
POV: Akechi

I paced the floor for the however-many times it had been, growing more impatient by the second. A knock on my door pulled me out of my trace; I brushed back my hair simply from nervous habit. Makoto stood on the other side of the door, as expected.
"Where is he?" She got straight to the point as well; I'd expect no less from the former student council president and sister of Sae Niijima.
"Upstairs, the door is open." Her gaze stayed where it was for a moment, staring me down, before she spoke. "You look tired. Get some rest, I'll take care of Akira. Sorry for any trouble he may have caused you." And, well... that wasn't expected.
I watched Makoto go up the stairs, still processing what she just said. I'm sure I heard her right... did she apologize to me- for possible problems with Akira-?
After everything that's happened the past few months, the Phantom Thieves are the last people I expected any sort of apology from, no exceptions. It's a wonder Akira even tolerates me; I doubt it would be like that if we hadn't hung out before...
My mind was wandering into dangerous territory, and I wasn't in the mood to explore it for the time being. I grabbed a blanket that was tossed over the back of the couch and wrapped it around myself, letting my head fall against one of the pillows. I'm too tired to worry about anything, sleep sounds good right about now; I guess I'm lucky, because sleep was waiting for me too.

Words: 1217

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