Beginning navigation... (8)

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POV: Makoto
A while passed between the thieves arrival and Akechi's departure, though I'd say the timing was good.
"Someone needs to stay here with Akira, he shouldn't be left alone in this state." The thieves all sat around Akechi's rooms, it was kinda like old times... having everyone here made me feel nostalgic of the old phantom thieving days.
"I think it should be you, Makoto, but your skills are also incredibly valuable to the team." Ann's voice broke through my thoughts.
"I understand. I don't think it matters too much who stays, as long as said person knows what they're doing." I spared a glance at Ryuji, who seemed to be a bit spacey.
"Hey, earth to Ryuji, you there?" Ann's eyes followed mine, she went about addressing him before I could.
"Huh-? Yeah, I'm good." That wasn't even properly answering the question...
"I get that you're worried about him, we all are, but we need to focus on the matter at hand." I'd already relayed the explanation Akechi gave me earlier to the other thieves; since then, everyone had seemed a bit more on edge.
"I second that." Futaba had kept her silence for a while, I had almost forgotten she was there.
"We're probably all thinking the same thing, but the MetaNav being back on our phones may be a good first step towards answers." It'd been a while since I've heard Futaba so serious about something, either. Honestly, it just goes to show how serious our situation may be.
Hopefully it doesn't end up being too bad... I thought we were going to get a break after Yaldaboath.
"So, who's going to stay here? It's essential Futaba goes in as the teams support and navigator. Who else?" Morgana jumped down from where he was lying on Akiras chest, and began to pace in front of me. I glanced at each of the other thieves, who seemed to be watching Morgana too.
He hasn't said anything this entire time...
"I'll go, I think Ryuji should come too." Ann was the next to speak up, and Yusuke followed up after.
"Going in as a group may compromise our progress; we should spilt up depending on numbers." Yusuke fell into the position we were missing, a leader. He's right, though, I'm sure Akira would've come to the same conclusion.
"I'm going to stay here with Akira." Haru was the next in line to speak (despite the lacking order), her eyes where trained on the floor.
"I still owe him; I want to make sure he has a speedy recovery." There was a hint of determination in her voice, and that alone lifted some of the tension seeming to gather in the room.
"I'll stay here with Haru. Morgana, what's your call?" The cat stopped pacing and glanced up at me, then spoke.
"I'm going; we need to get to the bottom of this, the sooner the better." Haru got up and stood by me; Ann, Ryuji, and Futaba all grouped up, and Morgana followed.
"I agree with Morgana," Sumire spoke up from where she sat next to me. "And I'm going too." She got up and glanced at Yusuke, then addressed him.
"What about you, Yusuke?" The artist leaning against the wall pushed himself up, and walked over to join the attack group. Sumire followed suit.
"I'm going with; I won't be of much use staying here." And with that, our group was split.
"I'll leave you guys to decide teams, then. Good luck, be safe everyone." My eyes followed everyone but Haru as they left the room, likely to go prepare for the sudden palace raid.
"Well... that went well." There was a certain stiffness to Harus voice that I didn't pick up before, it may be best to leave it be but...
"I didn't expect you would want to stay." My question didn't have to be spoken for her to understand.
"I... it's nothing, like I said I still owe Akira, and..." she trailed off; it was pretty clear that something else was on her mind, and I waited a moment in the case she was going to say something else.
"There's a nagging feeling that I can't shake off, it's not fear, but it's... I don't know, really. I feel like if I went, I would've just held everyone back-" She cut herself off and shook her head.
"No, that's not it. It not that I'll hold everyone back, it's more of... it's more like I'll encounter something I can't handle." Her eyes where still locked on the floor, but it didn't take a genius to see how troubled they were.
"Don't stress to much over it, I'm actually glad someone else nominated themself to stay. It gets really tiring, taking care of Akira on my own; I could use the help." My words lightened the girls expression a bit, a small smile even pulling at her lips.
"Thanks Makoto, you always seem to know what to say." She smiled at me, a pure and genuine smile.
"So let's make sure we do this correctly; we can't let the others show us up." Her determination was back, though this time it was more genuine.
I answered her with a simple nod; it's a bit hard to understand her enthusiasm, but it definitely lifts the mood of a room significantly.
"Yeah, let's do that."
POV: Ann
"We should split up our teams based on compatibility and persona skills. Morgana and Futuna may be best being in separate teams as well, seeing as they both have skills related to team support, as well as experience in navigation." Inari taking on such an important role was almost surprising; I didn't see it coming, and it was a bit... out of character, I guess.
"I nominate Inari to lead one of our teams." My words where spoken perfectly in time with his sentence ending; it also earned me a slightly shocked expression from Yusuke.
"Ann..?" He paused, seeming to consider for a moment before speaking again.
"Yes, I won't disappoint you." He gave a curt nod, and moved on.
"Ryuji, Morgana, and myself will be on one team. Sumire, Ann, and Futaba will be on the other. Does anyone have any complaints?" Yusuke was met with silence, no disagreements.
"Alright. Everyone watch each other's backs; Ann, as one of the more veteran members of the Phantom Thieves, I'll be leaving you to lead your team." He spoke with a newfound confidence behind his words, and I had no arguments.
"Sure thing." The room split again, as Futaba and Sumire joined me, and Ryuji and Morgana joined Yusuke.
"Since we're in different teams, we should go in at separate times." Yusuke finished with that, going to consult his team; I turned to do the same.
"This is all so nerve wracking... I almost forgot how exciting and scary going into a palace was." Futaba spoke first, glancing between Sumire and myself.
"But I'm so ready for it; it's been too long." She had a smile on her face and an excited look in her eyes. I'm sure she misses the high tech support role; she always did seem to enjoy that.
"Alright then, once you guys are ready we can get going. Can't let Inari's team beat us to the chase, can we?" Sparking a bit of friendly competition has never been bad for anyone, as long as we all stay on guard. There's no telling what we may be walking into, it's been the same for every palace as of far. That doesn't mean we have to go in with such a depressing mood hanging over us.
"I'm ready to go whenever you are, Takamaki-San. Let's do this, for Senpai's sake." Sumire's expression was one of determination, a small smile sitting in her lips to match it.
"Alright then, let's go. Yusuke, my team is ready to go; we'll head out if there aren't any complaints from you?" Yusuke shook his head as a response.
"Good luck, everyone, be safe." He said, keeping it simple, and avoiding a goodbye.
"Alright then, let's go." I pulled out my phone and opened the metaverse navigator; the code words were already filled in, the same on each of our phones. I tapped the screen, and my phone responded to me as it had before.
"Beginning navigation."
Words: 1395

The name I call you byजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें