Palace (6)

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The second I stepped into the metaverse, I felt a bit of weight on my head and shoulders, my vision being tinted slightly red. Seems like I'm not welcome here... where is here, anyway?
I glanced around, being surrounded on two sides by apartment buildings or shops, I couldn't really tell. Ahead of me was a dead end and behind me a more open space, or so I'd hope. The area looks like the back alleys of Shibuya, but I know for certain that it's not; something just doesn't seem right about it, between the layout and the general feel of it. That and...
"It's too quiet." My hand rested on my swords handle, closed slightly over it. The area was washed over with an eerie blue and pink mix, the blue from the street lights and the pink from the red moon floating above me in the sky.
I walked around a bit, finding no signs of life. All the shops where stocked properly and unlocked, no home that I broke into was occupied, but all kept like they were being lived in.
"This is... wrong." Everything about this place pulled at my senses in a way I didn't like; it was eerie, far to quiet, and completely vacant.
Broken glass crunched underfoot as I climbed out the window of the apartment I just broke into; at the very least, I won't starve to death if I get stuck here. But it still leaves far too many questions for me to be comfortable with, like...
"Who's palace is this anyway?" The question slid from my lips; I'm alone, so I can afford to think out loud.
"And where are the shadows?" Have you ever heard of the statement speaking too soon? Well, I just did that.
A group of shadows rose from the ground around me; an ambush. I don't remember shadows being that smart, or coordinated enough to launch a good ambush. I'm a bit impressed, honestly.
I drew out my blade, counting my enemies; in total, there where 15, and I was surrounded on all sides. They seemed to be waiting on something, so I took the chance to make the first move.
The serrated edge of my sword tore through anything it came in contact with, ripping apart flesh without much issue. The shadows didn't fight back for a solid moment, and I began to doubt if they even would, when an ice attack hit me from behind.
"Son of a-" A low growl escaped my lips, I charged the shadows behind me blindly, my swords edge tearing through anything it found, leaving a clear path of destruction in its wake. At the very minimum, it was reckless and stupid, and sent me tumbling over more times than I could care to count.
"Loki!" The persona manifested, reaching through the status ailment and forcing rationality into me. 9 left, make it count.
"Megidolaon!" The almighty spell did a staggering amount of damage, shaking the ground beneath me as my persona disappeared. Only a few foes where left standing, and they were backing off.
"Had enough?" At least make this interesting for me... I taunted my enemies, receiving no response to it; how annoying...
Slow clapping met my ears as I sharply turned, a golden-eyes figure staring back at me. Upon seeing them, I did a double, and then triple take, refusing to believe what I saw before me.
"What the hell are you doing here? Is this why you can't access the velvet room? Why-" I cut myself off, tightening my grip on my sword, and being met with silence.
"Answer me, damn it!" I charged forward, sword poised to swing and deal a serious blow, except... my target seemingly disappeared into thin air, all I could hear was laughing. Is he... mocking me? The nerve-!
"Come out and fight me you coward!" For the time being, I ignored the shadows that lie in wait, heavily damaged and not to far from a swift death. It wouldn't be too difficult to end them if it came to that.
I turned in circles, trying to find the source of the noise, frustration building up in me before I reminded myself to calm down.
My target walked out from a side alley, a slight smile on his stupid face.
"Got you now..." It was barely audible and I gave chase, my goal to catch the palace owner and get it over with. But...
"That would kill me, wouldn't it?" I stepped into the alley, and he was gone again.
"Come out, stop hiding!" I growled a response.
"And you don't want me dead, do you?" The voice spoke from behind me, I struck nothing but air.
"Stop running!" I could feel the suppressed power burning inside of me, filling the gap that had been created after Shidos arrest; a lack of will, per say, not knowing what to do next.
"You know exactly what's been missing..." This time, he was right in front of me, and my attack once more tore through air.
"Argh-! Stop toying with me you piece of shit!" And it was that power I allowed to consume me back then, and will do so again now. The edges of my vision blurred red, my mind focusing on a single objective.
"Alright fine, as you wish." He appeared before me and I didn't hesitate, throwing myself forward without giving it any thought. The backside of my blade came crashing down, my target let it fall harmlessly beside him and connected a solid punch to my gut that left me gasping for breath.
"Your aim was better when we last fought. Hmm... when was that again? If I remember correctly it was Shidos palace..."
"Don't you dare-"
"You where so weak then, too." This shadow, a shadow version of him... was taunting me, mocking me, baiting me, and I fell for it.
"Shut up!" I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean it has to be said out loud either.
"Loki!" The same almighty spell was cast as before, the shadow stepping to the side with just a bit to much grace for it to be normal. He approached me, I took out my gun and fired, the bullet scraping past his cheek and leaving a trail of blood. He got close enough for my swords range, I poised it and sent it forward, his hand grabbing my wrist and twisting it painfully, breaking my grip on the weapon and sending it down. I pointed my gun with my free hand and fired without a moments hesitation, the bullet just barely missing. How did I miss that-? He's right there, right in front of me!
The shadow used his grip against me, throwing off my balance and pressing me against the wall with a knife against my throat.
"You're causing more problems than is necessary. It's possible for you to come quietly, too, though I doubt that option is even considered by you." His voice spoke close to my ear, neutral toned and soft spoken.
"Go to hell." And I spat back my respond with malice behind every word. The cold metal pressed into the skin, drawing out blood.
"If this is hell, then I'm more than happy to be here." An outside attack hit me from behind,-stupid shadow- my current position preventing me from seeing where it came from, or what it even was. I could feel my eye lids getting heavy, my sore body going a bit numb; my mind slowed down, processing nothing but the cold blade and my current situation; even that was beginning to be a stretch. It became a bit more obvious what I'd been hit with as my body began to feel heavy.
The one thing that stuck with me was the feeling of his hand against my wrist, it was warm and kinda felt like...
POV: ??
His weight dropped against me suddenly, I dropped the knife and grabbed him before he could fall, picking him up to make things easier. Dream needle was a good call, then.
My expression softened a bit, staring down at the sleeping assassin. He's so peaceful like this... It was almost surprising; seeing Akechi relax was the last thing he'd ever imagined. At the same time, though...
"No, that doesn't matter." For now, I'll get him somewhere that's a bit more comfortable, somewhere safe. The shadows won't attack me, but that doesn't mean they won't attack him. What did he think he was getting into by coming here, and where are the other thieves?
I pondered this question as I walked, the stillness of the night offering a peaceful atmosphere for my thoughts. At the moment though, everything else was trivial; I have Akechi, and I can protect him, simple as that.
Pray tell the other thieves won't get in the way.
Words: 1480

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