Please dont leave me alone (12)

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POV: Akira
The pouring rain came out of nowhere, I'd left my umbrella at Leblanc earlier, just my luck... Such a decision left me running back in the rain, with nothing as cover. Water was dripping down my glasses and I could barely see the approaching sign that read "closed," and the warm, soft golden light coming from inside.
The balcony overhang shielded me from the downpour, I slipped my key from my pocket and unlocked the door after squeezing the water from my clothes as best I could. Even then, I was still cold, tired, and out of breath.
Upon opening the shop door, I noticed a figure slumped over on the counter with a book lying under him. He's been overworking himself... he barely ever falls asleep here.
Before me was Akechi, sitting on one of the bar stools with his head lying on his arms. His eyes where closed and his breathing was slow; the detective was peaceful in his sleep, it brought a small smile to my face. I'll dry off, then take care of things with him. Can't just leave him down here...
A short shower later had me back downstairs, a towel over my shoulders to keep the drops of water from my hair from soaking into my black long sleeved shirt. I'd just gotten out of the rain, staying dry sounds pretty nice, honestly.
The sounds of rain against the roof accompanied my quiet foot steps as I approached Akechi, picking him up and being extra careful to not wake him; honestly, the last thing I want is to scare him, or for him to be mad at me for holding him in the first place. I can see both happening, neither seem like a good time.
My feet brought me up the stairs to the attic, I'd left the lights off on purpose. Akechi was rather light, I'd noticed it going up the stairs. I'd have thought it would've been a bit more difficult, my training may be paying off.
I laid him down in my bed, pulling the covers over his sleeping form, then turned on the radio and played an old CD quietly. The sounds of guitar came from the CD player, quiet, but... fitting. So peaceful...
A short moment later, I sat down beside my bed and laid my head back against it, listening to the lead singers voice as words began to form. The songs where in English, but I understood most of the lyrics. I used to use music as a way of studying, by Morgana's recommendation, but it made it less enjoyable, so I stopped. It was a good method, but a bit too complicated, and far too advanced.
The sounds of music and rain against the roof and windows lulled me into a daze, my mind wandering through the events of the past few months.
First was Kamoshidas palace, meeting Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana for the first time; going through my memories with them, and all the fun times we had.
Next up was Yusuke and the museum, the Sayuri and our struggles with the eccentric artist before he joined the team.
Makoto was next, the bank with Kaneshiro and the black mailing, as well as the high amount of Highschool aged victims he had. Then finally, Kaneshiro turning himself in and the undergoing of Sae-san's investigation.
Futaba was the next to surface in my mind, the events of her palace flashing before me. How many times could we have died in there? Who knows, I'm glad we all made it out alive though.
A small smile pulled at my lips from the thoughts; Futaba is such a strong girl, she deserves far more credit for it. To think someone like her was so close to us the whole time, too. I understand why Sojiro loves her so much. I know they aren't related, but she's still his daughter as far as I'm concerned.
Shidos face popped into my mind, erasing the positive atmosphere again.
"Damn brat, I'll sue!"
Those words triggered the worst possible turn in my life, sending me to Yogenjaya on probation. I wouldn't say my experiences have been bad, though, not at all. My experiences the past few months have been enough to solidify the idea that everything happens for a reason. I was going to end up here, one way or another; fate just choose the most unkind method possible.
Though, I've never gotten along very well with fate, so I'll call it even after Yaldaboath.
My daze was broken by the sounds of shifting fabric, and a hand grabbing my shoulder. It wasn't even a good grab either, it was one of those ones you do when you're tired. I turned slightly, Akechi was looking back at me through half closed eyes. Even in the dark room, his red eyes where piercing, and so incredibly captivating.
"Stop ignoring me..." His voice has that groggy sorta sound to it, quiet and slurring the words together. The kind that's barely audible, that would only be made out in a dead silent room; at the very least, one
with barely any background noise.
"Hm?" Was he saying something-?
"I said I'm cold." Akechi let go and curled back up under the blanket; my shoulder felt cold where his hand was just a moment ago. I hadn't realized that the music had stopped as well.
"I'll get another blanket." I pushed myself up from the ground, my body protesting a bit; how long had I been out of it for?
"Im going to check downstairs really quick." I descended the stairs to the attic after receiving a quiet "ok" from Akechi; the lights downstairs where off, too. I thought I left those on-? The switches where still set to where they should be on, I switched them off and checked out the window of the cafe. The rest of the street was out too, must be a power outage because of the weather.
My concerns answered, I went back upstairs. Akechi was facing away from me when I got back, watching the rain drops drag down the window.
"It's been raining all day, the power is out down the whole street. Might be more than that, but I'm not going to check while it's still pouring." Speaking off... I took the CD out of the CD player and out it back in the case, the yellow and purple colors of the disc reflecting in the low light.
I kept quiet and sat down on the side of the bed, watching Akechi, who's eyes tracked the movements of the water drops.
"You can go back to sleep, if you want." The dark circles under his eyes spoke volume, it was more than clear just from his actions that he hasn't been sleeping well.
"I want to go home." He spoke as if unaware of the weather outside; freezing rain and a power outage, meaning low visibility.
"Not right now, it's not safe." He didn't give much of a response to it, nothing more than an irritated grumble; he didn't even throw his usual glare my way.
"You're exhausted, even I can tell. Get some rest, you can go home in the morning when visibility is better." Hell, if it's still raining I'll even lend you my umbrella.
He said something that I didn't quiet catch, a string of mumbled words.
"Hm? Did you say something?" He turned back to me, his back facing the window and washing pale moonlight over him. It's not very noticeable, but I could tell the difference.
"I said shut up, idiot." He grabbed my arm and pulled me down, hugging me close. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sudden contact; what's this about-?
"Shut up and let me sleep, and you sleep too." I couldn't see it, but there was no doubt he was a bit red too.
"Alright, but... can I at least sleep more comfortably...?" Sleep sounds good, but it doesn't seem very possible the way that I am now. I mean, I was kinda just knocked over and left in a rather uncomfortable position, my arms trapped under me.
"..fine." Akechi let go after a moment of hesitation; I climbed in next to him, and he didn't waste a moment before trapping me again. At least I'm actually comfortable this time.
Though... resting like this is rather nice; I could hear Akechi's heart beat and feel the rise and fall of his chest, the steady rhythm of his life right next to me. This moment is something I wish would never end, but sleep pulling at the edges of my vision was a threat to that wish.
"I'm not going to just disappear on you when you fall asleep, relax." He brushed his fingers through my hair; when did I-? No, that doesn't matter.
I let myself relax against him, instead focusing on the feeling of his arm around my shoulders and fingers in my hair.
His touch was warm, gentle, and... so not like him. Does he-? Surely not... A smile found it's way to me again, lifting my expression. Akechi has a soft spot... I would've never guessed.
"Alright... promise?" I could feel and hear Akechi's sigh, he sounded so very done with me; I wouldn't blame him if he was.
"Yes, now go to sleep so I can sleep too." The smile faded, the muscles in my face relaxing again. My eyes fell shut on their own, my last thoughts being Akechi holding me before falling asleep.
Words: 1597

Authors note:
The original idea for this chapter was from one of my friends, they've made this wholesome as hell chapter possible.
Upload schedule changes will be in effect the next few weeks; uploads will likely be only on Sundays until further notice.

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