Trick or Treat, Freak

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The next morning is Halloween. I jump out of bed and rush over to my closet and pull out my Ghostbusters costume. It's the same as the boys just without a name tag. I put it on and head into the bathroom to do my hair. I take the top part of my hair and make two space buns on the top of my head. The underpart of my hair stays down. 

I walk into the kitchen and my Aunt Sharron stops me to take some photos. We laugh as I pose awkwardly. I grab some food, kiss my Aunt on the cheek and rush out to my bike. I jump on it and meet the boys at Mike's house.

"Hey Lil, I like how you did your hair," Mike says.

"Hey, thanks!" I say.

"I wish there was a girl Ghostbuster," Dustin says. "You look good."

"Thank guys, should we go?" I ask. They nod and we peddle to school singing the Ghostbusters theme the entire way to school.

"Who you gonna call?" We sing as we park our bikes.

"Ghostbusters!" Will sings from behind us.

"Hey, Egon!" I say jumping into Will's arms.

"Spengler!" Lucas says moving me aside to hug Will.

"Venkman!" Will says hugging Lucas back.

"Whoa Whoa," Mike says looking at Lucas.


"Why are you Venkman?" Mike asks.

"Because I'm Venkman," Lucas responds like it was obvious.

"No, I'm Venkman," Mike says pointing to the tag.

"Why can't there just be two Venkman's?" Will asks.

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago. I'm Venkman, Dustin's Stantz, you're Egon, and you're Winston," Mike explains pointing to each one of us. "And Lily is just a regular Ghostbuster cause she didn't want to be Janine."

"Yep," I confirm.

"I specifically did not agree to be Winston," Lucas says.

"Yes, you did!" Mike argues

"I don't think he did," Will says.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Dustin shakes his head.

"What's wrong with Winston?"

"What's wrong with Winston? He joined the team super late, he's not funny and he's not even a real scientist," Lucas says.

"Yeah but he's still cool," Mike says.

"If he's cool, then you be Winston," Lucas suggests.

"I can't!" Mike says.

"Why not?"

"Be - because -," Mike stutters trying to find a reason.

"Be - because you're not black," Lucas mocks.

"I didn't say that!"

"You thought it!"

"Guys! Guys!" yells Dustin. We turn to him and see he's watching kids get off the bus. No one is wearing costumes.

"Why is no one else wearing costumes?" he asks. The bell rings.

"Shit," I say. We turn around and head inside the school.

"Oh my god," a student whispers as they pass us. I turn and see a bunch of students laughing and I roll my eyes.

"When do people make these decisions?" Dustin asks annoyed.

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