1 ︴ peculiarity

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"Room 404," he was told, and his gaze rose to meet a dark violet. The woman behind the desk was sporting a bright smile, light brown curls tied up into a ponytail that hung just under a giant purple witch's hat. "Here's the key," a key flew from behind the desk, dragonfly-like wings fluttering gently as it glided into George's hand. "Welcome to Razderona."

George gave her a smile in return for her niceness, before moving to begin his adventure towards his dorm room, large suitcase being dragged behind him.

Razderona, the only institution of magic, George thought, rolling his eyes. He wasn't too happy about being here, being ripped from his old— perfect life in England, just to be shoved into some school in a different country.

His gaze flicked to the large windows he was passing, raising a brow when he caught sight of all the students hanging out on the field outside. They were all sparkling smiles and twinkling grins, it made him sick.

How can they accept this? Being inhumane, George thought glumly, grasp tightening around the handle. There's nothing to smile about when your life is ruined because of these damn powers.

"Wow, that's one sour expression."

George's train of thought abruptly halted, and he stopped in his tracks. A raven-haired was leaned against the wall, hand held up and a wisp of orange flame dancing on his finger nail. He snapped his fingers and the flame dissipated.

The brunet just stood quietly, what was he to say? Nice analysing, must have a good pair of eyes you do! Or how about, what about it dipshit?

"I'm Sapnap," the raven-haired greeted and George looked at him blankly. Okay? Did I ask? I don't think I did, stop talking to me please— "what's your name?"

He wanted to cry, or scream, maybe both. "George," he muttered, "my name's George."

"That's pretty plain," Sapnap replied with, sharp fangs peeking from his wide grin. It was a joke, but George couldn't help but shrug, continuing to walk. He missed the brief frown that passed Sapnap's face. "Sooo— you don't sound like you're American, you actually sound british."

Right again, wow! Aren't you just Sherlock Holmes? He opted out of being rude to the pyromaniac beside him, getting chargrilled was not exactly on his todo list. "I am british, I was forced to go here because I was cursed with a power." Far too blunt, he mentally scolded himself.

The answer seemed to have stunned Sapnap, as he fell silent for a few minutes, before looking over at him, surprise tugging his eyebrows together. "You think having a power is a curse, why?"

"Because thanks to my power, my parents hate me and I'll never be able to live the perfect life I had before." George grumbled.

"Oh, damn." Was all Sapnap responded with before the subject was swiftly changed, "so what dorm room are you in?"

Is he serious? George fumed inside his head, tossing a brief glare towards the shorter before looking down at the key in his hand which was still fluttering helplessly between his fingers. He answered anyway, "404."

"No way!" Sapnap gasped and George felt his world crumble before his eyes, he only knew what that reaction meant. "You're my new roommate!" He winced at the words.

"Yaaaay." He tried his best to sound enthusiastic, he really did, but his disappointment was too overpowering.

"I've been waiting for a new roommate for a year now!" It was like George's downer-personality didn't even affect this guy, George found that even more annoying. "And for the record, you past the dormitories." A hand around his arm dragged him back past a few corridors.

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