13 ︴time traveller

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          "What are you talking about?" George asked, still staring blankly at Karl who was fidgeting awkwardly in front of him. Confusion littered his features, and maybe a little hurt? "I don't have a sister Karl."

"You don't sound very confident." Karl said, folding his arms and leaning back against the door. "You do have a sister George, and she's called Nysa."

George fell silent, his legs starting to tremble under his weight. He felt himself sliding down the wall until he was sat with his legs bent in front of him. It was as if the air had been knocked out of him.

"About eighteen years ago both Life and Death's offspring had two children, a male twin and a female twin." Karl said, and George recognised the story immediately. It was the story miss Uzohra had told them about. "The female twin was killed, and the male twin, the one with their power was sent to live out his life with humans."

George looked up at him, a dreadful expression rippling across alabaster skin.

"That boy was you George."

George shook his head, "no," his voice was small, choked out. "No, Karl you're lying to me. This is a sick fucking j-joke."

Karl was in front of him in seconds, crouched down with a gentle hand on George's shoulder. It was meant to be a reassuring gesture, but George wanted nothing more than to flick his hand off and run.

"I'm not the Karl from this time George," Karl had said, standing up and brushing off his outfit. "The Karl from this time is out of school getting mint ice cream for Dream because he likes eating it by the pint during his ruts."

George frowned. "How does that even work?"

"Well I'm guessing the coolness of the ice cream helps cool his rising body temperatu—"

"Not that!"

"Oh," Karl giggled before fading into silence after noticing George's stone expression. "Anyway," he cleared his throat and continued. "Imagine time travelling as switching between TV shows, that's exactly what I did, I waited for a time where this Karl, was more than a hundred metres away before travelling back in time."

"But Karl- you- this Karl said he- you could only go back a few minutes." George frowned, confusion dripping off his words. Realisation then sunk in and his eyes widened, "wait- how old are you?!"

"Twenty three." The Karl in front of him said, a small smile forming on his lips. "I'm from five years in the future George, a time where— a time where you no longer existed."

This was all insane to George, he felt insane. He felt as though any minute he'd be woken up by the shrill screech of his bedside alarm clock. "I died?"

"Otis killed you after taking your powers." Karl explained, combing his fingers through his hair. "Look I don't have too long here, in-" he checked his phone, "two minutes and forty five seconds Karl's going to text you to ask if you can drop off the ice cream because Sapnap wanted him for something."

George rose a brow, and passed a glance to the corner of his phone that was sticking out of his pocket.

"I'll try and wrap this up quickly." Karl said. "You cannot under any circumstance let Otis touch you, and you have to learn how to control your Nymphish magic as soon as possible. Your Nymphish powers need to be stronger than your Life and Death powers."

"Why?" George asked.

"Teachers will start to have suspicions on your powers, you joined this school under the label of Nymph, they aren't aware of your Life and Death powers. Nobody at this school is, other than Otis." Karl replied, a sigh flooding from his nose. "And Nysa, but she's- she's gone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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