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George didn't exactly know where he was, and he definitely scolded himself for that. Dream revealing the things he had fought to hide ever since they formed triggered his fight or flight response, so he just ran and didn't stop running until the noises of other students' conversations dissipated into silence.

He slumped back against the wall, fingers digging into the material of his shirt, clutching it tightly for some form of comfort. He knew from the moment Quackity described him that Dream would be nothing but pure trouble, and the boy had done nothing but prove him right.

George knew he'd hate it here. Sapnap was wrong. Powers didn't bring any good whatsoever, they only brought misery and misfortune. Had he not been cursed with them, he would be living out a normal life, his parents would've loved him, and he might've even had a boyfriend. Well that was a stretch, he knew himself he was far too antisocial for a singular friendship let alone a relationship.

He was upset, but he didn't cry, he didn't tremble nor dare to show his emotions through his facial expression. He remained stone faced, lips pulled into a straight line.

"Hey." George felt himself tense up at the spoken greeting, head remaining directed at the wall, but honeyed hues sliding to the corner of his eyes to look the intrusion of his silence up and down. For someone who just non consensually pulled another's hair, simultaneously upsetting them in front of a whole cafeteria of people, his voice held no trace of guilt.

Dream slid down the wall to sit beside George and George gritted his teeth. "How did you find me?" His voice was somewhat demanding.

"I can scent track," Dream explained, tapping his nose twice with his index finger. "Perks of being a werewolf."

Stupid question on my behalf. George thought to himself. Dream was quite literally a dog, he should've realised Dream wouldn't have been close behind after his little outburst. Could he even call it an outburst?

"I wanted to tell you i'm sorry." George wasn't expecting that, and he couldn't help but snap his head around to stare wide eyed at Dream, who in turn looked at him with furrowed brows. "What? Didn't expect me to apologise?"

"No," George replied truthfully. Somebody definitely told him to apologise, he did not just do this out of the goodness of his heart.

"I don't know what triggered all these negative assumptions about me, but I'm really not as bad as you think." Dream spoke, eyebrow raised.
What happened twenty minutes ago is coming to mind. George thought, but didn't speak, letting Dream continue. "You're a nymph," he said, and George winced at the term. "But what happened to your ear, why is part of it— torn off?"

George felt his blood run cold and he got up, scowling at him. "None of your fucking business, my life isn't some form of reality show for you to entertain yourself with." He hugged his own arms close to himself, turning away. "I appreciate the apology—" I don't, because it was complete bullshit, "— but I'm going to ask you to leave me alone, don't talk to me, don't touch me, I'd actually like it if you didn't look at me either."

"You demand a lot for someone who forced yourself into my friend group." Dream hissed back, pushing himself up and to his feet, looming over George in a way to remind him of his power.

George stared at him in disbelief. "You think I forced myself into your friend group? I couldn't care less if I was in a friend group or not!" He snapped back, fists clenching at his sides. "I prefer being alone, I've always been alone, that's how I like it."

Dream just stared at him in an angered silence, huffing out a frustrated breath when George turned around and stormed off. "Do you even know where you're going?" The arrogance in his voice made George want to turn around and slap him.

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