4 ︴serendipity

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          The day flowed by pretty smoothly which was incredibly surprising for George, he didn't expect to enjoy classes here more than classes back in human school. He chalked that up to the fact that here he didn't need to worry about things like algebra and writing a two thousand word essay, nor did he have to worry about finishing his work on time— but that was because he's still new to the school and teachers are giving him the benefit of the doubt, he did come from a human school after all.

George is a fairly special case. A lot of supernaturals come straight from their parents, which are also supernaturals (unsurprising); so it was unexpected when a supernatural was shipped off with both his parents being human, saying he was only discovered to be a supernatural at the age of 18.

He never thought much of it though.

"You must be George."

George paused, hand still holding the book he was about to slide into his locker. His gaze inched to the side, to a male who had walked up to him. George looked him up and down, with what seemed to be a judgemental gaze. He was slightly taller than George, with bright yellow eyes that gleamed at him under a mop of fluffy black hair. "I am." George eventually confirmed after intaking his appearance. "You are?"

"Otis." Otis said, a small smile working its way onto his lips. George thought he looked nice, the innocent kind of nice. "Sorry, this must've been abrupt and kind of weird..."

George nodded, "very."

"Sorry!" Otis apologised again with a bashful grin, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm. "I just really wanted to meet you, I heard a lot about you from my friend in your class, apparently you managed to make a Nymphish potion without actually knowing Nymphish."

George winced at the word, but the corner of his lips ticked with the edge of a smile. "Oh, I see, well um— I just guessed really, you know? Slapped a bit of everything and funnily enough it was right!"

"That's cool!" Otis said, beaming grin forming on his lips. He leaned closer, elbow moving to rest above George's head against the lockers as he leaned into George's ear. "Are you sure you're not— you know? A Nymph?"

George felt a chill wrack down his spine, his eyes darting away from Otis' prying ones. They were quick to meet a green, shadowed over and staring from across the hall. Dream stood, back against the lockers and his arms folded, a dark look on his face that George couldn't quite understand the reason behind.


His eyes were quick to snap back to Otis' and he dismissed him with a flick of his hand and a step back. "Sorry to disappoint, but no, I'm not." He watches a brief expression cross Otis' face before it melted into another smile.

"I see," Otis said, removing his elbow from the lockers and brushing off his clothes. "Well, that's my lapse in judgement." He said, apologetic eyes looking George up and down. "Sorry, I'd hate to keep you much longer— I hope we meet again soon!"

I don't. "Yeah, that'd be cool." George muttered near to silently as the taller jogged off down the hall. What an absolute weirdo. He thought to himself, finishing putting his books into his locker and turning around. A gasp ripped from his throat when he was immediately met with a large chest and a hard look. "Dream? What the hell?"

"Why were you talking to Otis?" Dream asked, in a more demanding voice than if it were just a casual question.

"Why do you care?" George asked simply, eyeing the flattening of Dream's ears and the way his tail stilled and bristled slightly at the tip. "It's none of your business who I do and don't talk to." He attempted to walk away, but a calloused hand grabbed his arm and pressed him back against the lockers. "Get the fuck off me," he hissed.

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