Taki x Male Reader Part 2

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Here's part 2:

It has been a few days since you had come to Fevertown and while it was strange, wasn't too bad.

It was filled with creatures, Aliens and other oddities, so much so that you could actually live a somewhat normal life despite your mummy reaper look.

You met Mako, a living Watermelon, Pepper Demon, the cutest little vegetable you've ever seen and a lot of others.

However, the most intriguing person you met still remained to be Taki.

This Nun was an Enigma to you, she switched between cute and childlike to vicious and psychotic at the drop of a hat.

But she was still your closest friend at this point and was always nice to you so you couldn't complain.

There were also a lot of people to rap against, it was fun, you had such a good time you almost forgot about your goal of usurping the mayor.

Until one day...

For the few days you spent here, when you weren't out with Taki you were helping her renovate the church, getting rubble out, fixing anything that was possible, stuff like that.

Even though you and Taki bonded you still never showed her what you look like under those bandages or why your here.

Even though everyone here was a little weird, you still felt insecure about your appearance.

Luckily Taki and everyone else didn't push you at all to reveal anything which you were thankful for.

You weren't really sure how much better you both could make the church considering there is a giant hole in the celling.

Suddenly your attention turned to the church door which opened.

Coming in were 2 people, a Hispanic male with an afro and an anthropomorphic rabbit girl.

Mayor Fever:

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Mayor Fever:

Mayor Fever:

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Oh hey...You greeted walking up to the pair surprising them.

Wow, people were right, Taki did make a friend. Fever said shocked only for Tea to harshly elbow him.

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