Bygones Part 2:

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Well, this is the continuation of the Mickey and Olivia story, sorry for not updating these so much, been working on my other stories for a good while, but now I'm back and ready to do these oneshots.

"!" Mickey said as she stood beside Oliva who had a neutral expression.

"Meet my kids Mickey." Olivia stated as both girls watched you prepare all 420 of Olivia's children for school.

Olivia's kids:

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Olivia's kids:

Somehow, you had managed to make breakfast for them all, got them all dressed and were now handing out their backpacks as they marched out the door.

"Alice, Bendy, Cody, Dennis, Eric, Franky, Greg..." You kept listing off their names as you handed them their respective backpacks as they traveled out the door in a single file line shocking Mickey further.

"He memorized all their names?" The Mouse asked and Olivia nodded.

"Yep, he can tell them apart too, so now that old trick where they try to pin the blame on each other doesn't work anymore." The Rabbit chuckled. "Heck, since there's 420 of them, he had to hire a personal bus just so they could get to and from school at once."

"Ollie...were you stuck taking care of them yourself?" Mickey asked shocked.

"Ollie?" The Bunny asked curiously. "Been a long time since anyone besides (Y/N) called me that."

"Is that okay?" Mickey asked.

Olivia seemed to mull it over for some time before finally nodding.

"Yeah it's cool." Olivia shrugged surprising Mickey a bit.

"R-really?" She asked shocked that Olivia would let her use the Rabbit's Nickname.

"Yeah, there's really no reason for me to stay mad at you." Olivia shrugged as every one of her children finally made it to the bus.

"Phew." You sighed wiping a bit of sweat from your brow.

"Well girls, with that done I should really get going to work." You stated with a sigh.

"Maybe before you go, you should at least look presentable." Olivia said adjusting your tie and wiping out the last creases that remained on your suit.

"Thank you." You said smiling down at the shorter rabbit girl.

"I told you to stop thanking me for doing such small things for you." Olivia said with a small blush.

"But I'm thankful, isn't that the appropriate response?" You asked with a raised brow.

"Yeah, but after everything you've done for me..." Olivia tried to say, but you interrupted with.

"Hey, you don't need to thank me." You insisted. "I was simply helping an old friend, the only thanks I need is knowing my efforts weren't in vain."

You placed a hand on Olivia's cheek and gave her a light kiss on the forehead making her blush intensify.

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