Chapter 4. Answer

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Noor's phone buzzed he saw the caller ID and his facial expression changed. Areed saw his brother's expression and gave him a thight lip smile and went inside.
  Noor received the call and a an authoritative voice came from the other side " Captain Noor ! You should be here by tomorrow , we have got an emergency ."

"Yes  colonel. I will be there "

"Over and out'

He went inside to pack his bag .

"Noor mera bacha be safe , try to call me everyday , do take your meals on time. And don't eat too spicy you know right you will fall sick ." Noorjahan was giving her son a lecture as she knows her son habits of not taking meals on time .

She is always worried about his health after all she is a desi mom .

Now it was time for noor to leave but before that there was something which he wanted to say



"I think it's a yes for me "

Every single one in the room turns to him . They were seeing him like he is a creature from Mars .

"What?" Noorjahan didn't get it

It took a second for every one to register what he just said

" Oh my!! Noor I was knowing it" Rameen said in her cheerful voice.

"After all he is my brother, just incase you forgot mrs. Areed". Areed said in playful tone

"Yeah yeah ! Admit it mr. Areed you just want some credits". Rameen said rolling her eyes . She knew her husband was just playing around her and every one laugh at the husband-wife duo

Noorjahan went to her son and hug him
"Noor mera bacha you really make me the happiest person."

"Mama for you a thousand times over ."

And noor wants nothing but to see his mom happy .

He left with a wide smile on his face .
Even the winds were making happy dance for his heart .

The smile never left his face . Knowing that the next time when he will be here , he will be here for her .

         When noor left, noorjahan did the first thing was she called rameen's parents and said them it's a yes from their side .

    Ain who was sitting in her art room and was painting the only thing which was her pet leo . Who was sleeping infront of her . She was in her own world, a thought cross her mind
  'will he reject me?'.
She shook her head 'shut up ain , you should not be thinking about that haram piece of chicken lolipop' . She was fighting with her subconscious when rafa's voice broke her train of fight with herself .

"Ain ( breaths) ..."
"What is it rafa ?"
"He said YES"

Ain who was painting her cat . She drops her paint brush which was in her right hand and the colour plate which was on her left hand . She was too shocked to notice that her white frock was ruined by the colours .

"Close your mouth, he just said yes, he didn't said he will marry you today". Rafa said in a teasing way

"Shut up Rafa". Ain said in a fake anger .she was fighting very hard to not smile .

" Ain mom is calling you downstairs and yeah smile because it's sunnah ". Rafa said winking in her direction

"Save your self bish ." 

Before ain could catch rafa , she ran from ain's room to save her life as she knows that ain will kick her ass . 'pagal' she thought to herself and a smile made it's way to her beautiful face , she went downstairs

" Yes aunty you called me ?"

Rabida who was talking to noorjahan mouths ain that noorjahan wants to talk to her . Noorjahan and everyone congratulates ain and said that the Marriage will be after noor's return

Ok, so this was an small update
I'm really sorry idk how to deal with this I mean .....👀(akward) .
Leave it guys focus on the update not on my bullshits 🙃.
Enjoy! 🙂

And yeah don't forget to vote and share!!

show some love lovelies 💕

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