chapter 5. " I Do"

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The Qureshi house was buzzing with laughter. Children's were running around and the atmosphere was happy and joyful.

The black night was illuminated by the moon and his companions stars .
Even the moon was jealous of the Beauty who was sitting in the centre of the stage . Ain who was a nervous werck, she felt a little calm when she saw familiar faces . Rafa and misha ( ain's bestfriend) both went to her .

"Oh my ain your looking so pretty Masha'Allah" . Misha comment hugging her bestfriend .
" Don't talk to me mishi" ain said in fake anger as she didn't came to see her for long time both brust in to laughter .a cute picture was captured by rafa.

"  here I thought she will stop overacting and here she is " rafa said in a dramatic way and was cut short by ain "yeah wait till I get out of this dress " ain said in a threating way . Rafa made her hands in surrendered motion . And the trio brust in to a fits of laughter's .

"Ya Allah this girl's ! Ain you are the bride not brides maid" rabida said while making the girls quite. "And yeah Ramin called me and they will be here any minute".  Both the girls said bye to ain and went to welcome the groom side as someone said that they have arrived .

          They came to where the bride was  seated . Both the brothers were looking handsome . It was difficult to say that areed was married . And sure it was hard  for the poor girls . Noor who was about to take a step forward to the stage . He was stuck the moment his eyes leid on the Beauty who was sitting in the centre .
Even the winds started to take breaths .

Noor who was stuck in his position as if someone have statue him . Areed tap on his shoulder " Bhai control karle! raat baki hai" and wink mischievously.

Noor clears his throat as he was clearly embarrassed for his act "shut up areed ".
And greeted his teeth with annoyance .

She was seeing him through her thick lashes .her heart was thumping against her chest,don't know if it was because of nervousness or happiness .

                  His tall and well built figure wasn't helping her either and his features 'oh god ain he will not eat you '
'uska tho theek hai but I'm not sure about you' 'shut up subconscious' .

He came and sat to the next chair which was kept on some distance and a net curtain was placed for the partition .

The qazi entered the hall and the nikha ceremony was started . When both of them said the word 'I DO' for the last time the star's twinkle even bright just to show how much happy they were.

Ok guys so ..
this was an small update. I was literally Busy with my exams .

Whatever  !! Your author sucks Iknr 😭 ( such an anti social person)

Ignore my rants-

Btw enjoy the update
And don't forget to show some love lovelies 💕

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