A Good Old Fashioned

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You really, truly, terribly didn't want to go to work today. 

You never wanted to go to work, but today was just on another level with your dread. It was week three now, and all of your time and energy had been spent on trying to devour this list of ten movies for Professor Ren's class. You knew you were on his bad side already, so you were trying to make up for it by taking the most thorough, most thought-provoking notes you could on each film. You weren't dishonest about your opinions on each film, but you did watch your verbiage to make sure that he wouldn't hate you any more. You were on film number nine of ten, and his class was coming up soon. You were almost there.

The list of films was mostly compiled of things you knew and had seen, so it wasn't terribly unbearable, but still. All of your free time in the last week had been spent in class or working or watching this man's favorite movies. You weren't even in a film analysis class with him--he just wanted you to watch these movies because he believed they were the best written. He had mentioned that they weren't in a particular order, but you were fascinated by his picks. 

You looked over your notes while you had a jelly sandwich on cheap white bread before work. 

1. Hausu (1975), dir. Chiho Katsura -  ....this film is always a pleasure to watch. It's disorienting and wild and absurd. I never tire of the way that Katsura chose to tell this insane story....

2. Fish Tank (2009), dir. Andrea Arnold - ....this is a favorite of my own. Andrea Arnold takes perfect care of handling the story in a way only a woman could--expertly....

3. Dogtooth (2009), dir. Yorgos Lanthimos - ....THIS MOVIE!! I remember watching it for the first time in seventh grade. I felt like I needed a bath afterward....

4. Vagabond (1985), dir. Agnes Varda - ....who doesn't love Agnes? This one always broke my heart, but the writing is just spectacular....

5. Fat Girl (2005), dir. Katherine Breillat - ....I'm glad this movie was on the list, because now I remember why I told myself I would never watch it again. Jesus Christ....

6. La Haine (1995), dir. Mathieu Kassovitz - ....A classic. What more can I say? Also. You really love the French, huh?....

7. Tangerine (2015), dir. Sean Baker - ....I LOVE SEAN BAKER! Have you seen Red Rocket? I think even more impressive than the content of this film is the fact it was entirely shot on IPhones....

8. Cleo From 5 to 7 (1961), dir. Agnes Varda - ....I hadn't actually seen this one, which was surprising to me, because I really do love Varda. Despite the reason for the film, I found it very fun.....

9. Girlhood (2014), dir. Céline Sciamma - 

10. Clement (2001), dir. Emmanuelle Bercot - 

You needed to watch both Girlhood and Clement after work, which sucked. You worked at a little dive bar not far from campus. You intentionally picked the little hole in the wall, rockabilly, horror themed bar in hopes that you wouldn't see much of the college crowd there. And that generally held up. It was a pretty chill job--so chill that you would probably be able to watch at least one of the remaining movies on the patio if it weren't too busy, but it was a Saturday night, so that was up in the air. 

His picks were puzzling. They were all mostly good movies, but they were a peculiar lot all together. He loved French film, and he loved women in filmmaking. That was kind of cool, but some of them were just concerning. But you would wait to have that debate with him. Or maybe not. You weren't sure yet. You needed to see how he would treat you in class now. 

You finished the last bit of your sandwich and got ready to head out of the door. You put a little more effort into your appearance for work since you depended on tips, so your makeup was done, hair styled, and a fitted black t-shirt and dark grey barrel jeans complemented your figure. You bolted out of the place and were on your way to The Crypt. 

Cut To The Feeling (Reader x Professor Ren / Kylo Ren)Where stories live. Discover now