Chapter 2: Hallways and Chance

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The struggle is real. I cant seem to find my damn schedule. As I scramble to find it in my bag, all of my stuff falls out. Im slowly picking up my books waiting for that one boy to come help me pick up my stuff. Classic, huh? Well no one came. So I picked up my stuff, as well as my schedule, and found my locker. As I was unlocking it, a boy came up to me and said,"Hey, im sorry. I was gonna come and help you pick up your stuff but my protective-ass girlfriend wouldn't let me help you." "Haha its alright, I wasn't really expecting anyone to help me." I lied. "Hey don't think like that. Whats your name anyway?" "Stacey. Stacey Carter. And you?" "Me?" "Yes you, stupid. Who else would I be talking to? "You think im stupid and we just met!" "Just tell me your damn name!" we both laughed. "Ooh language! Ha im kidding. The names James." "Well aye James. Now if youll excuse me I have to go to class." "Really?! Me too!" he said sarcastically. "Whos your teacher?" "Ms.Blakeford. You?" I asked. "Me too. Ill show you the way." "Wont your girlfriend get mad?"I asked. "Don't worry about her, shes in a different class anyways. Lets go."

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