Chapter 3: Classes

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S.P.O.V.: (Staceys point of view) As soon as we got to class, the teacher let us sit where we wanted to. I was really hoping itd stay like that for once. I hate assigned seats. I sat down in the second row. Unexpectedly, James sat right next to me. I had butterflies in my stomach. I mean did I really like him? I just met him! But for some strange reason, I was really happy that he sat by me. But at the same time, I was super nervous. But I just kept tellin myself to be cool, don't embarass myself, but be myself. But damn did he look hella cute.      J.P.O.V.: (James point of view) I sat down next to her. I felt weird around her. I mean not a bad weird, but different. She just caught me staring at her, if anyone finds out I even talked to her at her locker, rumors will fly high. Do I like her? No I cant! I have a girlfriend! I love my girlfriend....right? Damn it. Im confused, so many mixed emotions. Ill just play it cool, ill be friendly. Not too friendly...besides, we don't belong together...right? Why am I even asking myself that? That's not even relevant, I have a girlfriend a really—-whoa. Stacey looks...whoa. Alright, I might like her. yourself, I told myself. Just be yourself...         Back to reality.... "Alright class. Im Ms.Blakeford. I hope you like where you are sitting. Because those are your seats for the rest of the year, but don't let that make you think you can cause trouble because if you do, youre moved. First things first, everyone in pairs, im going to pass out a math worksheet that you and your partner work on together." said the teacher. We both looked at eachother, me and james. I looked down. He asked if I wanted to be his partner. I paused, then said "Why not?" We began working on our assignment. The bell rang. As I walked out, he stopped me and said he needed to talk to me...alone.

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