Chapter 5: The Next Day

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I'm walking to my car, drive to go get coffee, then school. I was nervous, like really nervous. What if James did it again? Or worse, what if people find out? This would be such a bad year. I would lose my friends, which weren't a whole lot, I mean yeah I'm popular...but in my own crowd. I could
lose all of them. But at least I'd have Audrey. She's always been there for me. She wouldn't leave me just cause someone kissed me, right? Ugh. I don't need this right now. I need to stop thinking so damn negative. It was just a few kisses, that's all. And it wasn't even me who started it. Whatever, I better just get to school. When I got there, Audrey said " I heard..."
"About what?!"
"Are you okay? And I heard know what..."
"Alright so I kissed James well he kissed me and he has a girlfriend and idk what to do! Please tell me who else knows!!" I whispered in a worried voice.
"Um...Audrey...I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about that your art won a contest for best artist of the year..." she said.
"Oh really?! That's um...great!"
"So...James..."she said.
"Uh sorry I have to go. Don't tell! I'll tell you more later. My house at 6!!"

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