𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 - stay

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suhyeok and namra were running to the music room with their hands linked together. their breaths were ragged and they felt afraid, afraid of what was going to happen with namra - will she turn or will she become like sunhee? endless questions were swirling around in suhyeok's mind but he tried to push them back as far as he could.

they had been running for a few minutes and they suddenly saw the rest of the group running in their direction, probably trying to find the two of them. "go in! go inside!" suhyeok said and continued to run with namra.

they ran into the music room, suhyeok closing the door behind them. someone ushered for them to close the curtains. namra rushed to the windows, closing the curtains while the other closed the other ones.

suhyeok sat down at the table that was the nearest to the door, letting his head rest of his folded arms as he tried to catch his breath from all the running. the room was quiet, everyone was shaken un by the events.

"we can't..." hyoryung started while still gasping for air, "go to the roof? we're trapped again, aren't we?"

"there are zombies out there, so... let's just think a little." suhyeok stated from his seat and looked around.

"this is so annoying." namra quietly whispered and sat down with closed eyes.

"hey. hey, namra." hyoryung said with a look of fear in her eyes. "what happened to your arm? that's a bite mark, isn't it?"

everyone in the room looked at namra and moved away from her. cheongsan rushed over to grab a staff and suhyeok rushed to stand in front of him. "hey, that's not it."

"move. step back, suhyeok." cheongsan said in a panicked voice.

"thats not it, asshole." suhyeok continued to stand his ground. "tell him." suhyeok turned towards namra. "you weren't bitten by a zombie."

everyone was quiet, no-one said a word. "say something." suhyeok said in a slightly frustrated voice. "gwinam. he bit her. it wasn't zombies."

"who?" cheongsan asked.

"gwinam. the bully."

"yoon gwinam?" cheongsan asked for the second time.


"namra. did gwinam really bite you?" he turned to the girl and recieved a nod as a reply. "say it clearly."

"it's true." suhyeok butted in.

"gwinam was bitten by zombies." cheonsan stated.

"bullshit." the tanner boy said.

"i saw him get bit. if you get bitten by zombies, you turn into one. so if gwinam bit her-" cheongsan started saying but suhyeok interrupted him.

"he's not like them." the zombies started banging louder on the walls, as if they were doing something. "gwinam was t a zombie. he wasn't. he literally talked to me. you saw him, he wasn't a zom-"

the door suddenly slipped open and the zombies had stopped letting out any sounds at all. "oh fuck, those shitsare ugly, oh my god.' the voice said and all eyes turned towards the door. the person suddenly looked at them and gasped. "oh shit, wrong room."

she turned awayand was about to leave but was stopped by suhyeok calling out to her. "sunhee!" she turned back around and slowly closed the door while cursing in her head. why did she have to open the wrong door.

"yes?" she slowly dragged her voice out quietly. she was wearing a different outfit now - she had a different shirt, or maybe she had just lost her school blouse. she had a tight tank top on, it was tucked into her skirt that had blood on it. her bite was fully visible.

"please tell them that namra wasn't bitten by a zombie." suhyeok said with a slight hint of desperation in his voice. does he like namra? was the first thought that came to sunhee's mind but she immediately shook it off.

"oh that, yeah, gwinam is definitely not a zombie, i mean, he partially is since he was bitten but he didn't turn, so i have no idea what we count as. just like, see if namra turns, if she doesn't it's all good. now i have to leave so gwinam tries to kill me instead of that dumbass that decided it was a good idea to record my brother murdering the principal. i mean, it was a good idea but not in this case." sunhee rambled on. "i should really leave so gwinam doesn't find any of you, suhyeok is probably on his kill list now too."

she quickly finished and opened the door, waving goodbye to them.

"wait!" suhyeok quickly said and rushed after her. he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her closer to him while outside the classroom. "stay here."

"you're holding the broken wrist." sunhee hissed at the pain and suhyeok immediately let it go, mumbling a quick sorry.

"i can't stay." she mumbled and turned around, only to be grabbed by suhyeok again but this time, by the other arm and pulled her closer to him again.

"why not? you haven't turned so it's safe." he desperately asked and looked straight into her eyes.

"they think i will turn, you can see it in their eyes. i'm not going back when i will be seen as danger, they will see namra the same way if she doesn't turn. they want to keep themselves alive and i respect that, i'm not going to make them feel more paranoid than they already are." sunhee explained with pleading eyes. "don't try to make me go in there."

"but you are one of us now." suhyeok said firmly and entangled their fingers together.

"only you and possibly namra think that, i am a complete stranger." sunhee quietly said and looked away from him. "they don't want me in there."

"they do, they're just... scared." suhyeok tried to reason with her.

"if you can convince them to let namra stay, i will go in. if you can convince them, i will do it." she said, knowing very well that they will most likely force namra to leave.

"okay, i will do it." and with that, he walked inside, leaving sunhee there  waiting for him.

- hElLo
i know it has been like, two weeks now BUT i had a lot of tests to write since i wasn't in school for a month since my mum isn't allowing me to get vaccinated and i had to stay home because of that and i only got back two weeks ago. i had to write a tet in geography, history, russian, social studies and a few more small ones so I had to study A LOT.

i think i will have a free week next so i will try to update more. ik this fic isn't ending anytime soon tbh but does anyone here watch euphoria or smth from the TVDU? because after this i might write a fic on one of those so i need to know if someone would even read it.


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