2 Time

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For the past few years time has ruled my life.

It's grabbed me by the hair and thrown me to the ground.

And I can't get up.

Twenty minutes till I have to get up.

Ten minutes till I have to get up.






I have to get up. Or I'm late.

It takes five minutes to get dressed.

Five to feed three cats all separated.

Five minutes to lay down and prepare for the day.

Five minutes to get my car started and warmed up.

Five minutes to leave the house.

It takes me thirty minutes to get to work


If I speed I can be there in twenty five.

It takes about thirty minutes to complete a certain task at my job.

Two times doing that task is an hour.

I have to leave my first job at 3:30 to get to my second job on time.

If I'm lucky I'll get to leave around one to two and have a break.

I don't have the best luck.

My second job flys past me and at 7 I have to start closing

And by 8:30 to 9

I'm ready to go home.

It takes me twenty minutes to get home from work.

That's about 15 minutes speeding

and about six well placed songs.

I get home and sit in my driveway, turning my car off

Because every minute sitting there is gas.

I sit for only a minute gathering my thoughts and preparing my sore body to treck inside.

It takes five minutes to feed the cats

Each of the three having to to go to separate rooms for ten minutes while they eat.

After ten I open the door and put their bowls away.

That takes five.

By now it's is 9:30-10

I sit and stare at my computer screen until no later than 3 am

Because i have to wake up at 9

And getting any less than 6 hours of sleep makes me feel sick.

And it continues.

Because I wake up around 8:45

And there is 15 minutes till I have to get up

Then there's ten

Then five





This is no way to live.

I want to be happy but there is not joy in a life like this.

In a life ruled by time.

Maybe one day I'll be able to enjoy a day without worrying about time.

Without the constant scratching at the back of my brain counting the seconds of my youth




But after all of this.

All this effort to keep track of time

to try and keep ahold of it.

Has only shown me

That I have no concept of time.

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