7 space makes sense

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The lord of the rings.

Space is huge.
It is massive.
It is ginormous.

It is astounding.

It makes so much sense.

My simple human mind cannot comprehend the fact that things exist outside my field of view,
How am I supposed to understand that things exist that no one has ever seen before?

The age old question
"If no one's looking at it, if no one's aware of it, is it even there?"

Well of course it is!

Why is that answer so..
Eye opening?
Hard to believe?

The magnitude of space itself is unfathomable.

A human is simply not equipped with the capacity to understand the size of a continent.

How will we ever explore the cosmos?

The simple, and likely answer, is we won't.

At least not for millennia.

The lord of the rings.
A super-Saturn.
433 light years away

A planet with a mass of upwards of 26 Jupiters
A temperature of 5,757 Kelvin
And an orbital span anywhere from 3-14 years.

From the little we know about something so far away, this much is clear..

This young, giant, planet has been through war.

And won.

In its glory, it wrapped itself in its victims.


Approx. 200x Saturns rings in extent.

It almost resembles a giant record.

To harbor these massive rings whilst competing with its parent stars gravity..

The sheer density of this planet...


To think of things on the galactic scale, it leaves you...


How am I to speak when the rock were are on is moving

When our wonderful Sol is rotating and breathing

When the storms on Jupiter are raging

And the veins left dry and empty on Mars remain?

If space continues without me, am I even important at all?


No I'm not.

In fact no one is.

No life is important.

The stars do not care.

They are as unforgiving as they are breathtaking.

All it would take is a simple collision to knock the off the crust of Earth, to take all its energy given to it by its creation.

Just as it happened to mercury.

Sweet Earth would be a dead planet.

With that thought I think to myself, "maybe we're not just small, we're tiny"

Much like the bacteria we stare at through our powerful microscopes.

Nothing matters.

We're all going to die.

The laws of the universe will be followed.

Things will happen as they were set to from the very beginning

Because space makes sense.

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