6 Change

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My worst enemy.

I hate you, Change.

You take from me.

Whatever have I done to you?

All I've done is lived.

And you take?

I'm hopeless.

Im in agony.

I beg for you to stop, to leave me with something.

Something that won't change.

But, you greedy bastard, you take it all!

You've taken my home.

My friends.

My youth.

My pets.

My sister.

So I hate you.

I loath you.

My existence is plagued with your presence relentlessly.

And in my sorrow I cry out, "Why!?" 

With no answer to put my anguish to rest.

Because, Change. You are existence.

You are the why.

You just are.

There is no fighting because there is no winning.

And there is no winning because there was never a competition in the first place.

Things will change the way they are supposed to.

Yet, I am a stubborn creature.

I will be your worst enemy, Change; I will fight you to the very end!

So prepare for battle for I will never be at peace.

And in our war everything will be demolished.

I will be alone through it all.

As I have for all my life.

I will fight this meaningless war even if it ends in my destruction.

Because my brain will not allow you, Change.

Which will inevitably be my demise.

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