3 i forgot

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"I'm in a constant state of disassociation. "

That's what I tell myself.

It's the only conclusion I've been able to come to for why I

Just can't


No, this isn't a case of simple forgetfulness.

It's so much deeper.

As the days stream by and blend together

I forget yesterday

I barley remember an hour ago.

It's not a joke anymore.

It's scaring me.

I cant remember if I've eaten

I cant remember to drink

I cant remember phone numbers.




Orders I've placed

Things I've done

the places I've been.

It's a constant battle to remember.

I take pictures of everything I can because I know

That if I have a picture I might be able to remember.

I record conversations

Write down lists

And take screenshots

Just to remember  important details.

I forget what wrong doings have been done to me

I forget what I've done to other people.

I walk out and back into buildings at least twice because I


Forget something.

My phone
My hoodie
My watch
My car keys
My backpack
I forgot to pee
I forgot my drink
I forgot
I forgot

I   Forgot.

I'm so tired of forgetting.

I just want to be present again

What if I forgot about my mom?

Or my dad?

My poor sister???

What if I forget my cousins

And my aunts

And my uncles

My grandparents!

I cant do that.

They need me

They love me.

I can't just forget.

But it feels like I am

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