8 Space pt II

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Space has always astounded me.

It has always left me speechless and slack jawed.

It inspires so much emotion within me yet I cannot express why

It is so magnificent and ginormous.

In fact there is not a word I can use that would ever put the magnitude of space truly in perspective.

But that is only due to a flaw within our own human brains.

I crave spacial facts I need to know everything about it.

I want to talk about it all the time,
I want to talk about how much it makes sense and how beautiful it is
and how crazy wondrous it is

It is so much awe inspiring change.

Maybe that's why it always brings tears to my eyes.

How every death creates life, the cycle is so uninterrupted and pure that it can be reversed perfectly with our own machines.

Space is like a drug for me and I cannot get enough

The stars shine bright in my eyes and I need to touch them.

I want to stand in Saturns rings and count the number of rocks.

I want to stand in a nebula breathing in the helium and exhaling hydrogen

I have to see a black hole, the back of my head, touch the event horizon before being catastrophically ripped to shreds.

I need to see the death of a star, a supernova and watch awestruck as it collapses in on itself.

Erupting in a chaotic, beautiful, arrangement of light and debris

Only to birth clouds of nebuli

The primordial soup of the intergalactic.

Though it'll never be possible for me.

Or my children.

Or my children's children.

And so on.

Yes we may walk mars, one day.

But any planet other than that may take eons of constant scientific advancements to even reach their orbits, much less walk them.

Unfortunately we humans are limited in how fast we can travel. Because even traveling at 19 kilometers a second, it takes 12 YEARS to reach Neptune.

It would take us a year to travel to mars from earth as of now.

So here I am hopelessly in love, yet again, with something I'll never have.

Not in a billion years.

So all I can do is marvel at the wondrous expanse of the ever growing galaxy.

At all of space.

Our home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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