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*Knock knock knock*


*knock knock knock*

"THE DOOR!!!" I yelled again

*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* the person knocks louder.

"Jesus, do I have to do everything around here?!" I muttered annoyed that I had to get up

*knock knock n-*

"HOLD YOUR GODDAMN HORSES!" I yelled at the person before they finished their third and loud knock on the door.

I opened the door to some man in a suit

"Uhhhh..." I uttered out and quickly closed the door in his face. I was never good with words, especially if I had to say them to big scary people in suits.

"Um, Maya! Get down here now!!" I yelled up the stairs nervously

"What's wrong?!" She asked worried, with a worried looking Cameron trailing behind her.

"Yeah, but there's a guy at the door in a suit, and yeah." I said

"Stay here, I'll be right back" she said walking into the front room where the door is located.

"You alright?" Cameron asked

"Yeah I- yeah I'm fine" I said in lost of words. What if the man was from dcfs? What if he's coming to take me away from the only people I have left?! I thought.

"You're clearly not." He said "c'mon tell me." He stated sitting by me.

"What if that guy's from dcfs?" What if he's gonna take me to a foster home or an orphanage or something?!" I asked panicking

" Just because there's a man in a suit at our door doesn't mean he's coming to take you away. Quit silly don't you think babe?" He asked chuckling a little.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" I said giggling just a little, still scared of what might happen.

"Who was he?" I asked my smile fading fast once Maya walked in the room with a blank expression.

"Uh, well he was from dcfs."
'I fucking knew it' I thought Cameron looked at me with a sad, and guilty expression.

"He was looking for you." Maya said.

"Well... Where is he now?" I asked just ready to get it over with

"Gone, I told him you weren't here. He said he's coming back tomorrow, and if you're not here, he will file a police report for a missing child."

"Guess I'll start packing." I said tears welling up in my eyes.

"What?! No!!" Maya protested

"Maya, it's better to do it now, then tomorrow" "y'know so we can spend all day together tomorrow, since it's going to be our last time seeing each other."

"Prosperity, they aren't going to take you." She said

"They just want to talk" she say trying to convince herself she was right.

"Maya I-"
"No! They can't do that! They cannot take my best friend away from me!" She interrupted me, then started sobbing. I held her in my arms, and brought her to the floor.

"Maya listen, I know you're gonna miss me, I'm going to miss you too baby, hell, I'm even gonna miss Cameron" I said winking at him on the stairs. "But honey you can't control what happens in life. People die. Things change. Settings change. Now I know this little pep speech is either going to make you more or less sad, but just know we're still best friends, sisters. No matter what." I said.

"Y'know I'm gonna miss you" she said sniffling

At this point Cameron had went back upstairs to give us some privacy.

"Remember the time when those bitches were bullying you, and I kicked the shit out of them" I asked, trying to cheer her up

"Yeah, they were calling me a twig for being skinny. They also said I was ugly, which was clearly a lie" she said flipping her hair. We both laughed.

"It really was a lie. You are beautiful. And those bitches deserved those black eyes, bloodly noses, and busted lips they got" I said laughing lightly

We talked for like 3 more hours usually the sentence started with "remember the time when...?"

"Hey, P it's getting late, let's get to sleep." She said whilst we were walking up the stairs

Maya's pov

"Hold on, I gotta go do something" she said

"What?" I asked curiously

"Say bye to Cameron.." She said

"Really?" I asked not mad, but generally confused. Why on earth would she want to say goodbye to my brother...?! "It's our last night seeing each other, and you want to spend it with my brother instead? Huh, weird." I said suspiciously. "Oh we'll see you in the morning, I love you, goodnight"

"Y'know Maya, me and Cameron are closer than you think. Goodnight love you too." she said then quickly left to his room.

... Wtf is that suppose to mean?!

Prosperity's pov

"Me and Cameron are closer than you think... Goodnight I love you too" I said then quickly left to the other side of the house to Cameron's room

"Hey.." I said slowly sitting on his bed in between his legs.

"Hey" he said.

Then I started sobbing into his t-shirt.

"I-I-I-I-" I tried to talk in between my sobs

"Shh" he hushed me from trying to talk.

When I calmed down, and I could talk a bit better I said "I love you. So fucking much"

"I love you so much more" he said

"Impossible" I said in Miranda Sing's voice. We laughed, and talked about how we realized we like each other, just going over memories with each other, for this would probably be the last night I'd see my boyfriend.

I woke up at 3 am and quietly slipped out of Cameron's bed.
"I love you" I kissed his cheek softly then went back into Maya's room.

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