Helping Hand/The End.

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Third person's pov

"I'm sorry you had to leave your friends." The social worker said to Prosperity.


"I know you're gonna miss them." He continued to try to get Prosperity to talk.

Yet, still nothing.

"They seem like good people."

"They are." She finally said, but that was all. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Listen, I know that you're beyond sad right now, I understand–"
He was cut off by Prosperity saying "no, you don't. You don't understand what it's like to have only one parent, loose that one, and then get taken away from your bestfriend, and boyfriend like that!!"

The social worker, Tom, stopped the car and sighed.
Calmly he said. "Try me, my mom and dad both got shot when I was 6. Took my brothers away, I've never seen em since, and it's been 27 years. I've been that same little kid as you, sitting in the back of a social worker's car, confused as to where the future would take me, the only difference is my social worker didn't care about me, she didn't think twice about how fake the people who took me in's applications were, and she didn't care when I'd return to the foster home with bruises on my body, but I, I do care. I will try my hardest to find you a family who will take good care of you, not a family who who sexually, physically, and verbally abuse you, but a loving family.

"I-I, thank you, so much." Prosperity stuttered, on the verge of tears with the story that this man just told her. This wasn't just any made up story, no it was real, and it was The Story Of His Life (A/N: when you 1D af) and this man, that I didn't know, didn't want me to live the way he did, which is honestly the greatest thing ever.

I looked down when I felt my phone buzz against my thigh.

Him ❤️: hey babe, how're you holding up?

Her 💖: I miss you guys so much, ugh :(

C: I know, hopefully we'll see you soon?

P: I dunno Cam...

C: well, I was thinking...

P: Yeah...

C: maybe our mom could try to adopt you?

P: you do know it's kinda weird and illegal to date your foster brother, right?

C: I know, but I just need you back.

P: whatever happens, happens, I love you babe.

C: I love you too baby.

Prosperity and Tom sat in silence, as she tried her best not to let him know she was crying.

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