I have to fix this

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Cameron's POV

Okay so I basically just ruined my sister and my... Girlfriend? Is she my girlfriend? Hmm idk, well she is a girl, and she is my friend so... But yeah I ruined their friendship, but not on purpose!

So I'm gonna fix it.

*they are texting*

Cam: Prosperity, I need to talk to you, it's really urgent!

Pros' POV

Cameron texted me....

'Prosperity, I need to talk to you, it's really urgent!' I read aloud.

Could it be about the kiss? Oh no... I bet I ruined everything! Why must I do such stupid things?!

After 5 minuets of debating on if I should text back or not, I reply with 'okay, so.... Talk. I'm listening'

'Kinda need to talk to you in person.' he replied.

'Yeah, okay ill be there in 5' I replied

Maya's POV

I'm so fed up with her right now! I can't believe it! How could she choose Cameron over me?! I know I sound really angry right now, but I'm really hurt, that she didn't let me in, but she let Cam in.

I grab my coat and go down the stairs.

"I'm going out." I said

"Where to?!" Cameron asked.

I didn't reply, I just walked out the door.

Prosperity's POV

'Im at the door' I texted Cameron.

When I got inside I got worried, and started asking questions.

"Is this because of the kiss? Because if it is, I am so sorry, I don't mea-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt Cameron's lips on mine.

He pulled away saying "you ramble a lot when you're nervous."

"But that's not what I called you here for. I called to talk about Maya, she is very angry with the both of us, she knows that you were hanging out with me all day, and not her and she's freaking pissed!" He said worried looking.

"What? How did she find out? Where is she?! Does she know about the kiss?!?!, oh my god, she's going to hate me!" I said, almost crying.

"Uh, I kinda told her, no of course not! And she would never hate you!!" He replied quickly.

"What?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

What did you just say?" I asked

"I said what do you mean?" He replied still not knowing what I'm talking about.

"Before that." I said.

"I said she would never hate you" he sated, giving me a weird look.

"Cameron. You did. Not. Tell. Her. That. We hung out!" I said, almost getting angry.

"It wasn't my fault! Okay! She's the one who asked me where I was at!" He defended himself.

"Jesus Christ, Cameron!" I yelled.

Where the hell is she now?!" I asked.

"I don't know... She kinda just said she was leaving, and left out the door, without another word." He replied.

"I gotta go!" I told him, knowing exactly where she is.

"What, where are you going?!" He asked

"Don't worry babe, I'll be back, I said.

I kissed him on the cheek, then left, to go find my best friend.

My Bestfriend's BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora