Chapter 11: Intro: Serendipity 세렌디피티

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As much as my heart flutter,I'm worried
The destiny is jealous of us
Just like you I'm so scared
When you see me, when you touch me
The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing
Our happiness was meant to be'
Cause you love me, and I love you

Jimin's POV

I sat at the side of the bed waiting for Jae to finish refreshing for dinner with the guys and Lyn. Seeing her in the crowd of army made my heart stop and flutter. She looks so gorgeous with her hair. I am so happy that she got it done and feels like she is in a refresh period. I love her so much and to see her happy and having fun with Lyn also made me ecstatic. Though me and her have been dating now for 4 months it doesn't feel that long as well she never gotten a chance to hang out with Lyn. Lyn I like to consider my noona but as I am older than her she is technically my younger sister. I was happy to see my hyung happy and free with her as well. When Lyn left the rehearsal with Jae, Yoongs showed all us the ring he picked out with Jin for her. I can't wait for her to marry into the Bangtan family, them setting the example for me and Jae. I couldn't wait them being married in the industry as well as out and public with their family will make it and easy transition for me and Jae to announce we are dating and everything. Lyn and Jae are the only ones that are the girls dating us bangtan members so I hope it won't become too much of an issue, but us guys are getting older and we want to have what all of our outside friends and family have gotten to do. Date, get married, and have a family. Create a home together. I want that with Jae but right now we are waiting with what time and destiny have for us.

When we get to New York I only get 24 hours with her. Then she has to go back to Korea. They have to continue growing their fan base. She has so variety shows her and the rest of the girls will be going on. I will be sad without her but I want her to do really well in her career. She has worked so hard for this. She is so talented of a song writer and musician and she is a beautiful singer. The way she dances as well her body moves perfectly. She is my musical angel and she is so perfect. I love seeing her hang out in the crowd with Lyn. 

"My love are you ready to go and eat" I asked her seeing her finishing up her make up. She looked out the bathroom and she took my breath away at how gorgeous she looked. 

"Yes Jiminie I am ready to go eat." She says walking out to me and I get up off the bed smiling at her. 

"You are so beautiful, I might not want to share you with the other guys. I might just want to make you my meal tonight" I tell her smirking and walking over and pulling her into me making her giggle. 

"As tempting that is but I would like to have a glass of alcohol and spend my last evening with the rest of the band and Lyn" She says making me pout. I understood that I would probably spend all the 24 hours I would have with her in New York. I would eventually get to have a full final farewell with her in New York.

"Ok let's go downstairs then" I tell her grabbing her hand and leading her down to the elevators and down to the restaurant. When we got there everyone else was there and we sat down. I sat across from Tae and on the end. Jae sat across from Lyn and next Joonie. The waiter then came and took our drink orders. 

"Jiminie I don't think I can order in english" Jae whispered into my ear and I nodded. 

"I got it my angel." I said and looked at the menu then pointing out things for Jae to find out what she wanted explaining what they were in Korean. 

After ordering drinks and food we all had a chill evening eating and hanging out laughing together spending time together as friends. Jae was more quiet getting use to our group of people. There was a lot of us. She also hasn't been around us as much but I felt bad I want her to get use to us and talking and show all of them the angel that she is. She seems to get use to small groups of people. Like I know she gets along really well with Lyn and Yoongi, her best friends Gi-gi, He-he, and Ara. She also talks and respects Joonie as well both being leaders. But when we are all together like we are at the table she doesn't speak up or start conversation and it worries me. Do I need to help her is she worry about something, did I do something? Not do something? Are is she just tired?  

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