133. In Love With You

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Okay this prompt got a little more serious than I'm used to. It involves a decent amount of mental illnesses, or mental issues, just so you are all aware. I feel that I am nowhere near qualified to write a story following this prompt as I have little to no knowledge of these conditions and have not experienced them myself. With that in mind, I would love to read a book containing these topics as it would be quite different from my usual reads and certainly an issue that needs more accurate representation.

Title - In Love With You
-in the past, girl had a boyfriend who was definitely unstable in some way that he should've been in therapy (depression, maybe bipolar disorder...idk)
-he told her he loved her and she said she needed time
->she didn't think she was quite there yet but he was a genuinely good guy he just definitely needed help and she wasn't sure she should/ could be there during that
—>thought it was something he should do by himself, like a self discovery thing (with a therapist)
-he killed himself that night
->jumped off a roof (maybe her apartment roof, just not on a side that she could see him from)
-fast forward to the present (that was 1st year of university)
->now maybe she's halfway through 2nd
—>so not too much time has past
-also she is definitely in therapy to help cope with what she "witnessed" or went through
** idk what she's going to school for but something interesting and not science heavy, maybe art or history or something along those lines
-starts (for some reason other than "they have a project together") periodically hanging out with this guy
->has some really fun times (maybe she also meets him in a kinda funny/interesting way)
-they end up kinda starting a formal relationship (without labels as it is very new) which obviously stresses her out as it brings up fresh trauma
-he eventually says he loves her and she basically panics
-ends up explaining everything to him in a panic and having a mental breakdown
->maybe she initially runs away from him and thinks she calls her best friend but it's actually him
—>so she thinks shes explaining what happened to the friend, who didn't know of the past either, but she actually telling him
-she never forgave herself for past boyfriends death and always felt like it was her fault
**happy ending

Question for today:

Which way should toilet paper hang, over or under?

Kyla :)

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