181. Dystopian prompt- X vs Y

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-it's a dystopian world
->ie. some big disaster has happened and all humanity has crumbled
->there's a limited population left
->it's been a while since this happened (like 5-10 years) so things like food and fuel and bullets are a real problem/hard to come by
-unfortunately, at some point people starting killing each other for no apparent reason
->some people just want to go out and kill and now can with little repercussions
-that has caused major trust issues with everyone

-people started banding together to "purge" the world
->ended up being a massive group of men
-now the woman are fighting back
->picture: they're no longer looking for equality, but revenge
-essentially going around and collecting other woman for their cause
-killing any men then come across that:
->a. try to kill them
->b. seem like they might be in contact with the massive group of men that formed that do want to kill them

-the whole book will be very hard to decide whose side you want to be on
-who are really the bad guys?
-did the men have a reason to start killing the woman?
->maybe what causes the dystopia (virus or something) was primarily woman-driven, idk
-are the woman in the right?

-X and Y represent chromosomes
->females have XX
->males have XY

Question for today:

Do you prefer books/movies with happy endings or dramatic ones and why?

Kyla :)

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