6. Prompt- 35 Dares

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**This was previously "I Dare You To Love" but as of 04/09/21, I've updated it**

This was taken right from my notes on my phone and there's honestly not much there; it kinda sucks :)

Got the inspiration from the song, I Dare You by Kelly Clarkson.

35 Dares
-girl and guy become best friends
-he's been hurt really bad, either by emotionally abusive parents or girlfriend or something
->doesn't trust easily bc he doesn't want to get hurt again
-girl is secretly terminally ill (the whole book takes like 3-6 months)
-she helps he see that not all people are out to hurt you
-they give each other's dares back and forth
*chapter titles are the dares
->they start off simple (ex. dare you to let me take you out for ice cream or dare you to tell me a joke)
-they form their friendship through the dares
**you can change the title depending on how many dares you need to make the story**
"I dare you to love...." is either the last thing she says to him
OR (for a more angst ending)
She's got a whole letter prewritten and it describes their whole relationship and her hopes for him in the future and ends with "I dare you to love..."  ("...without fear/ restraint... for life can be better if only you love" or something like that)

Question for today:

What animal would be the cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?

Kyla :)

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