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(Y/n) felt the construction of the nearest building brushing against her clothing, a tickling sensation nibbling at her back. Her knees warmed her chest as her toes tapped against the curb leading to the tarmac road.

She took a deep breath, the humid air of the summer comforting her as her glazed (e/c) orbs examined the amazement that New York City had provided for her.

Her ears twitched in response to what seemed to be a knocking against the glass window separating herself from the building behind. (Y/n) turned to see her crush within the building, labelled as a 'toy shop' in bold crimson lettering above the window.

She smiled without intention, the sight of him bringing herself so much joy she couldn't help herself. Gummi had all his limbs tightly wrapped around a cityscape-like statute of a building, which appeared to be made of plastic, gripping onto it with his fingers and ankles so he could avoid slipping down.

With confidence, he removed his hands, his ankles and toes being the only security to remove sliding down from potentiality as his fists began to beat his chest to amuse (Y/n). It did just that.

It gave her flashbacks to all the other goofy antics he had done today, memories playing in her mind like a disc on repeat. The exploring of the city and what the buildings creating it contained, the hundreds of shops and stores with so much to see.

Gummi had been dashing from one place to the next within seconds of each other for the past few hours, a confused (Y/n) being pulled along as she still attempted to understand the concept of them being transported to this futuristic city.

Gummi had raided stores; discovering an interesting taste in orange Y-front underwear, stuffing as many hotdogs as he could into his face from local fast food services until his stomach felt as though it could explode, and having a meltdown when he noticed a packet of miniature versions of himself located in a food store.

(Y/n) continued to giggle as his antics, the events of the day continuing to play in her mind; dragging Dave by the tail everywhere they went to explore, nibbling at glistening golden statues like a curious toddler, playing with construction machines until being told to "scram" by the workers who owned them, causing floods by smashing the water supply with his cavebear club, and who could forget biting a wire that made darkness consume the whole of the city...

... which thankfully seemed to sort itself out within a few minutes.

A frown crossed (Y/n)'s face, however, as she could have sworn the peculiar humming of the portals that transported them here rattled in her ears once more.

It couldn't be happening again. Who else would have found them? Who else could be taken into the deep blue abyss to wind up here?

She dismissed all possibilities, instantly jumping to the conclusion that this was simply coming from her mind as she had heard the irritating noise so many times in one day it seemed to play on loop.

However, a swirling circle of swirling cerulean luminance returned. It floated in the air just beside (Y/n), however it didn't catch Gummi's attention since he had quickly become distracted at attempting to snatch toy planes that innocently drifted in circles around him in the toy shop window.

The circle grew larger, the buzzing grew louder. (Y/n) covered her ears with her clawed fingers as its volume continued to increase.

Her (e/c) orbs widened in surprise as a familiar vehicle shot through the portal, the swirling turquoise shape slamming close and vanishing seconds later.

The stone vehicle came to a stop just outside the store neighbouring the toy shop that Gummi continued to goof around in. (Y/n) saw her sister Kala and close friend Harry within the vehicle, hopping over the gravel coloured sides to reach the road with their feet as soon as the movement came to an end.

"Where are we!?" Harry screamed with panic cracking at his voice.

"How did you guys get here?" (Y/n) inquired to Kala, ignoring her overreacting friend for the time being.

"We came looking for you, and then we got sucked into this portal thing. At least we found you..." Kala replied, voice trailing off into the distance as she observed the hundreds of buildings consuming the area.

"But where are we!?" Harry shrieked once more, begging to finally receive an answer.

"We're in the future!" Gummi cried, overhearing the conversation through the pane of glass separating himself from his pals.

He held up his hands in happiness, only to slide down the plastic building and fall to the ground as his ankles alone could no longer hold him up.

(Y/n) giggled while fiddling in her pockets to locate the newspaper that had answered all the questions before. She handed it to her sister, Harry observing with fear in his golden eyes. Kala read the details they needed aloud.

"New York Times... February 25th 2022..."

Her eyes widened, the newspaper almost fluttering back into the breeze as her claws let loose in shock.

(Y/n) nodded...

... and Harry fainted...

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