The News

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~*The Next Morning*~

Waking up, I opened my eyes and smiled as I was welcomed with the sight of a peaceful Nico softly snoring away. Quietly getting up without waking him, I flew out to the nearest birdbath that we always go to as I quickly cleaned myself off before setting off to the Brazil nut tree, where I bumped into Jewel. "Oh, hey, Jewel!" Jewel turned around as she was in the middle of biting off a brazil nut. "Hey, (Y/N)!" I joined her, working on getting off the nut from the next branch. "What was happening with your kids and Tiny last night?" I asked. "Oh, y'know, the kids being.. Kids." Jewel laughed awkwardly. "Yeah, I bet." Well, cya later." "Tchau!" I said, as I waved to her fleeting form before finally picking off a brazil nut.

Looking up at the sun's position, I could tell it was currently 11:30 AM.

Auditions for Carnival were today as me, Pedro, Nico and Rafael would be hosting in Luiz's garage. Luiz's garage is a 15 minute flight for me, Nico, and Pedro as Pedro lived nearby us. The auditions start in 30 minutes. Nico and Pedro take their time bathing for almost 10 minutes, then they eat for almost four minutes, which would give us 16 minutes to quickly make it on time.

Quickly flying back to the nest, I arrived to find Nico still asleep. Smiling, I cracked open the brazil nut, which was huge, as I then used my talons to slice it in half, one half for me and one half for Nico. "Honey~" I cooed as I approached his sleeping form, holding my half in one of my talons as I held his in my beak. "Mm, 5 more minutes, minha lua.. (my moon)" Nico mumbled as he turned his back to me and curled in on himself.

Sighing, I ducked my head down to his as I nuzzled his face. "Wake up, meu amor. I brought you breakfast.." I quietly said, watching his face for a reaction, only to get snores from him. Sighing, I resorted to making him panic. "Auditions are in 10 minutes." I stated flatly, causing him to immediately jump up. "Santa mae de-" (Holy mother of-) He started until he looked at me and saw my calm posture as I was grinning at him.

"Baby, don't scare me like that!" He sighed before finally getting up. "Well, auditions are actually in 30 minutes, but I brought you breakfast! And after you eat you need to go wash up, then we'll head to Luiz's." I said as I handed the nut over to his open, awaiting mouth as he started munching on it. Walking over to the corner of the room, I started picking up his hat when I smiled as I felt him behind me, hugging me close to him.

"Why don't you join me, meu amor?" He asked in a low tone. I giggled as I turned and plopped his hat back on his head before easily slipping out of his grip. "Because then we'd be late for the auditions. Besides, we're the judges, we're supposed to be early! Now go hurry and wash yourself off." I smiled as I straightened up all the items I accidentally knocked over with my dancing.

~*Time Skip*~

"Next!" Nico called out, his head propped up on one of his wings in boredom. "Hey, big bird! Break a leg!" I heard Luiz call, shortly afterwards hearing a loud crash. My attention turned to Eva as she walked on stage and cleared her throat before she began making everyone go deaf with her horrible singing. "You can't see it coming! You won't find it anywhere else!" Her screaming shattered the light bulb that was above us.

I quickly ducked away from a pointed falling shard as another falling shard clinked on Nico's hat, tilting it a little as Nico and Pedro just stared in horror at Eva while Rafael immediately clapped and started praising her. "Oh, brava! Brava! Brava! That was amazing! Eva, darling, you hit every note. Huh, guys?" Rafael then looked at us happily. "Yeah, yeah. Along with a bunch of notes I never heard of." Pedro said as he rolled his eyes.

"Rafi!" Eva gasped, offended. "Ah- do-do-don't worry. I'll talk to them. We'll find the perfect spot for you!" Rafael assured Eva. "Antarctica, maybe." Nico mumbled under his breath to me and Pedro, causing me to chuckle as I covered my beak with my wing to block my smile from Eva.

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