Training and Auditioning Day

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The next morning, I woke up early, deciding to let Nico sleep in and get some rest after the trip and the whole fiasco. Going out, I bumped into Jewel. "Hey Jewel! Can you believe this?" I said excitedly, finally getting a moment to discuss the reunion with my best friend. "It still feels like a dream." She sighed as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. For the whole morning, we spent sharing our feelings and then catching up some more with the boys and our dads. Eventually when it hit noon, our dads finally realized we didn't have our guys with us and so they split up, each going to interrogate the other. I sighed as I followed my father to Jake's nest, watching him casually fling Nico in the air before I had to quickly catch him.

"Morning. Or should I say "afternoon?"" he said to Nico as he stared him down. "Morning, sir." Nico said with wide eyes. "Our days here in the jungle, they start early." Nico looked at me, and I just sheepishly smiled and shrugged at him. "You see (Y/N)? She's already wide awake and ready to go." "Good morning meu amor." I said to Nico. "Why'd you let me sleep in?" He asked me. "What do you mean? You're always sleeping in." I chuckled. "Yeah but..."

At that point I had placed Nico back down on the bed before Wesley turned towards me. "So, I thought I'd take Milo here for a little tour with Eduardo and Dew, show them around and stuff." "Oh, that's a great idea!" I said happily. "What?" Nico asked in a panicked tone. "BUT, I think you should rather take Gilbert." "Gilbert? Why?" Wesley asked. "Because he grew up with humans so he doesn't entirely remember forest life. You gotta remind him all about it!" I said as I went into Gilbert's room and pulled him out. "Here!" I shoved Gilbert towards our father, who caught him before giving him a disapproving look. "You slept in too, son?" "S-Sorry?" Gilbert asked as he looked around the room confused. "I, uh-" "You'll love it, don't worry." I laughed at him. "Yeah, you sure will." Nico sighed.

"Hey, Milo, now that you're joining the tribe, don't be so scared anymore, alright?" Wesley tried reassuring Nico. "Woah, wait, moving to the jungle? Baby this isn't what I signed up for." Nico quickly said. "Oh, no no no, he's just, uh, very excited that we're all here. Let's not ruin the moment now." I laughed. "Okay, good, good." Nico sighed as we waved off Gilbert and Wesley before they took off. At that moment Carla approached us. "What's up Carla?" I asked. "We gotta get the others and get started on Amazon Untamed!" "Oh, I totally forgot!" I said as I face palmed before shouting, "Wake up guys!" as Carla and myself went around the nest waking everyone up.

Astra came out of her room yawning and rubbing her eyes, while Rafael quickly shot up, shouting, "Eva! You got it!" While Pedro also sleepily joined us. "What happened to "Amazon Untamed"? Here's the plan: auditions today and we preview the show tomorrow." Carla stated matter-of-factly. "We? What you talking about we? You speak French?" Pedro asked. "Come on, chop-chop. Let's get started!" Carla said before flying down from the nest, showing us a huge crowd of animals gathered around cheering. "Woah! Kid's been working." Rafael said in astonishment.

The auditions flew by with many comedic moments, especially when we were cheering on a bunch of mosquitoes and then Pedro came back from using the restroom, saying "Ooh, sorry guys. Did I miss anything?" Before noticing one of the mosquitoes and going "Ah! Mosquito!" as he squashed it, causing Nico and Rafael to gasp in shock while I just face-palmed and Astra shook her head.

Meanwhile, with Eduardo, Wesley, Blu and Gilbert...

"Ooh, hey. You guys are fast." Blu panted. "I mean like, really fast!" Gilbert exclaimed while huffing for breath. "I think I pulled a wing or something." Blu mumbled. "Y'all are fast for some old birds." Gilbert chuckled before wincing under Eduardo and Wesley's glares. "For a wise bird, is what he meant to say." Blu quickly saved Gilbert. "Which comes with age..." Gilbert mumbled. "Which is kind of a rare combination, but thrilling when it happens." Blu started ranting. "Be quiet." "Hush!" Eduardo and Wesley hushed the two awkward birds. "Yes sir!" They both said. "It's time to shake that city off of you boys." Wesley said. "You need to learn the basics of jungle survival." Eduardo said. "I-I thought we were going sightseeing." Blu stuttered. "It's training day." Eduardo said with a smirk. Blu and Gilbert gulped as they watched Eduardo and Wesley look at each other before chuckling.

We now find Gilbert and Blu cautiously sticking their feet in some mud. "Come on! The mud is your friend." Eduardo said. "It is your camouflage! Feel it. Taste it!"Wesley says. They both proceed to throw globs of mud at Blu and Gilbert. "If you don't feel crusty, you're not doing it right!" Eduardo stated matter-of-factly. Blu starts to dunk his head in the mud, while Gilbert dips his wings in the mud and starts smearing it all over his face and neck. Now we find the miserable boys rolling around in the dirt. "You don't wanna be seen by humans!" Eduardo shouts. "Much less eaten by them!" Wesley adds. "Or trained by them." Gilbert grumpily mumbled, earning a glare from Wesley. Next, they're doing sit ups dangling from a branch. "Come on! Are you a macaw or a turkey?" Eduardo says to Blu, while Wesley is doing situps in the air to show up the boys.

As the 4 were flying, Blu found himself swallowed by a snake, causing Eduardo to land on the snake, making him spit Blu out. Gilbert started laughing at Blu, before being smacked on the back of the head by Wesley. Next, they were being taught how to eat a brazil nut, but Blu failed miserably, causing it to bump into Eduardo's nut. Watching the scene from the next branch over, Gilbert starts laughing, causing his bitten-into nut to drop out of his talons and bump into Wesley's face. Now we find our awkward city boys scrambling around a bunch of snapping crocodile mouths. "Come on!" "Faster! Faster!" "You don't want to be eaten!" Eduardo and Wesley were cheering to the scrambling youngsters. Gilbert screams out the loudest most high-pitched girly scream ever as a crocodile manages to chomp on one of his tail feathers.

"You're alone in the jungle, you get caught in a trap. What do you do?" Eduardo asks the two city boys that are now tied up in a leaf trap together. "Um...if I...if I had my fanny pack..." Blu stutters. "No! You use your beak!" Wesley barks in their face. "My beak!" Blu exclaims. "My beak?" Gilbert asks. "It's your most important tool." Eduardo stated. "Okay, okay!" Blu readied himself. "We use our beaks." Gilbert said with determination as they both started to bite at the leaf trap, almost setting themselves free. "Almost..." Blu grunted. "There..." Gilbert finished. "Time's up!" Wesley shouts as he and Eduardo use their beaks and easily let loose Blu and Gilbert as they fall to the ground in a tangled ball of limbs. "You're jaguar meat." Wesley said while tapping Gilbert on the head. "Roberto and Jake got it on the first try." Eduardo smirked. "Oh, of course they did." Blu sighed.

Back with (Y/N) and the others...

I was starting to doze off while this Blue Macaw was auditioning, when I jolted awake at the noise of a loud thump. "Bow before the conquering cockatoo." A semi-familiar voice said. I looked up to see a cockatoo standing over the previously-standing Blue Macaw. "What is your problem, dude?" I heard the Macaw say towards the Cockatoo. "Bird, that was sick!" Pedro cheered. "Now, that's the energy you bring into an audition." Nico said with an approving tone. "Audition?" The cockatoo asked, looking confused. "Yeah, that's actually why I'm here. I've got a great little..-" The macaw was cut off as the cockatoo slapped him aside while saying, "Go on."

"We're looking for a new star." I said. "Star?" The cockatoo asked. "You look familiar. Don't I know you from somewhere?" Rafael cut in, looking suspiciously at the cockatoo. ", I don't think so. I'm, uh, um...Bob. Yes. Bob the bird." I watched as he giggled to himself. Humming, I said "Okay, Bob, whatever. Show us what you got." I watched in awe as the cockatoo proceeded to sing a song about growing stronger. At some point a toxic-looking frog joined in. As the performance ended, everybody cheered loudly.

"Boom. That's it. You in." Pedro said while smiling. "You're no Eva, but you're awesome." Rafael said with approval. "We'll see you at the performance tomorrow night." Nico said. "And we'll make sure to keep an eye out for ya!" I cheered. "Everyone from the village is coming. It's going to be off the charts!" Carla also cheered. "Everyone?" The cockatoo and frog questioned.

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