The REAL Battle

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As we're all packing our things, we hear Roberto screaming in the distance "Ah! Game over! It's over! Humans! The lights! The lights! It's over!" I go to investigate, seeing Jewel and another Blue Macaw taking a very panicked Roberto over to where Eduardo and Wesley were having a discussion. I flew over to them right as they set Roberto down in front of the two leaders. "He's been blabbering like this since we found him." The Blue Macaw states. "The loggers are coming! And Blu is with them!" Roberto says frantically. "Traitor!" Eduardo yells. "No! No, Blu is trying to help us." Roberto clarified. "What?" I asked. "By himself??" Jewel asked. "Let's evacuate! We're leaving. Let's go." Eduardo stated. "Everyone move out. Go, go, go!" Wesley said as he started pushing me to fly with the other birds that were already taking off.

"Dad? No, not this time. I'm not going with you." Jewel stated as she stood firm, causing me to fly to her side and stand with her. "You have to go with me! I will not put my family in danger again." Eduardo stated. "Stop being foolish (Y/N)! We have to go!" Wesley said to me. "I can't, dad." I sighed. "Blu is my family and I'm not leaving him behind." Jewel said. "And I'm not leaving Jewel." I smiled. "You don't have to." Blu said as he appeared. "Are you okay?" Jewel asked as she quickly rushed to Blu's side, touching beaks with him.

"Look. Eduardo, I might not be the birdliest bird in the flock but for once, that's actually a good thing. You know the jungle, I know humans. And I know that together we can stop them. We can't let them take our home." Blu stated while his family started gathering around him while Nico, Gilbert, and Astra joined my side. "Sure, it's hot and loud and filled with creepy bugs, but it's ours. Let's fight for it. Who's with me?" Blu cheered as he looked around the quiet space. "I'm with you!" A scrawny looking Blue Macaw said out of nowhere while walking forward, only falling to the ground. "Anybody else?" Blu asked as he looked around. It was a tense silent moment, before we all cheered and raised our wings before beginning to plan what to do with the humans.

We all follow Blu as we find ourselves flying above a clearing where a bulldozer was about to run over the lady named Linda who had healed mine and Jewel's broken wing before. A flock of humans began scrambling away from us in terror. "Lead the way, Blu." Eduardo smiled at Blu. "Huh? That's my name! Yes! You called me Blu. Yes, I am Blu!" Blu cheered until he caught Eduardo's glare. "What? Oh. Oh, right." He then stuttered before he turned to his flock of Blue Macaws. "Birds of blue feathers..." He started. "Have to stick together!" The Blue Macaws finished as they all swooped towards the humans. I stayed behind with my flock of (Insert bird type) who were helping the Blue Macaws. We all watched our leader, my father, Wesley, waiting for the signal. He lifted his wing, then pointed at the humans while shouting "Charge!" causing all of us to swoop in to the humans as we helped the Spix Macaws in stopping the humans plans.

I swooped into a human vehicle, scratching at a human who was in it, making him run away crying. "It's on in the Amazon!" I heard Pedro shout somewhere, making me look back to see a bunch of turtles being dropped from the sky. I laughed to myself before I moved on to the next human vehicle, until Jewel tapped me on the shoulder, shouting "Come with me!" I gathered some (insert bird type) as we all followed Jewel and some other Blue Macaws to the Brazil nut tree where we all picked some Brazil nuts and flew back to the battlefield. "Incoming!" Jewel shouted as we all started dropping the nuts into various pipes that were connected to various human vehicles, causing them to break down and stop working. I cheered as I high-fived Jake. I then notice the Scarlet Macaws joining in, spying Felipe talking to Eduardo before him and his flock joined in the fray.

As I hear struggling, I turn around to see Wesley and Eduardo get hit by a human vehicle. "Dad!" Me and Gilbert shout while also hearing Blu shout "Look out!" I quickly flew as fast as my wings could take me to my father and uncle as they were about to be squashed, Gilbert a few paces ahead of me, only for the human vehicle to be rammed into by another vehicle. "Pick on someone your own size!" I hear a human voice shout, seeing Linda in the passenger of the human vehicle that had saved my father and uncle's lives. Just then her husband, Tulio, came in and picked up both Eduardo and Wesley.

"No! No!" I heard Eduardo shouting. "Let me go!" Wesley also shouted. "I got you, I got you. It's okay, it's okay, you're safe now." Tulio comforted them as he lifted his hands into the air, letting the bird leaders quickly fly off. "That's a Linda." Blu smirked to Eduardo as Gilbert patted Wesley on the back. We watch as the rest of the loggers leave, Roberto and Felipe and Jake all doing a chest bump together while cheering, while I hug Nico and cry into his shoulder. "Oh meu amor, it's going to be okay." He said as he hugged me.

We were suddenly disrupted by a loud crash, causing us all to look up, just to see a big fancy looking human holding dangerous red sticks in his hands, and realizing he tied the same sticks to a bunch of trees. Blu and Gilbert both fly over as they go to different trees, trying to pull the ropes holding the red sticks to the tree off with their beaks. I watched as the human goes to hit Gilbert away from the rope, and the cockatoo from before attacks Blu, who then takes off into the sky with lit dynamite, the cockatoo following closely behind him. I quickly go to check on Gilbert and make sure he's okay, Astra quickly takes over as she's pulling him up from the ground and giving him many kisses.

We watch as the birds start struggling in the air, a red spot is thrown above them, and there's suddenly an explosion. "Blu!" Jewel shouted. We all quickly took off towards the falling shapes, finding them tangled together in a tree and fighting each other. Suddenly the cockatoo looks up as Blu frees himself and scrambles away from the crazy bird. "Is this the end? I was too young, too beautiful to live." He says as I see the gang join Blu's side, causing me to fly over to them to join them. "Bob?" Jewel asks. "Hold up! That ain't Bob!" Pedro realizes. "I told you I knew him from somewhere." Rafael sighed. "Who knew.." I said.

"My final curtain call. And it's standing room only. Goodbye." Nigel said before he began to choke to death, then fell to the ground, dead. "No! No! What have I done?" The frog from before shouts as she goes over to Nigel's body. "If I cannot liveth with thee, then I shall not liveth at all." She said before she swallowed a drop of her own poison, just to be with Nigel, as she chokes to death and lies, dead, on Nigel's body. Everybody starts clapping, causing me to shake my head. "That frog is not poisonous." Bia stated matter-of-factly, causing the frog and Nigel to both suddenly sit up, turning out to not actually be dead. "What?" The frog asked. "We're not dead?" Nigel asked. "It's a very common mistake, but she's a harmless pseudo-dendrobate. You can tell by the pink spots." Bia said while shrugging.

"But parents always told me I was poisonous and shouldn't touch anyone." The frog stuttered. "You just had really mean parents." Carla said. "Oh, wow. So, now..." A look of realization hit her face before she then launched herself onto Nigel, kissing him all over. "Oh, Nigel! Nigel! My Nigel--Wigel-Wigglepuss!" She said happily. "No! No! Somebody, help me!" Nigel screeched. "I'm going to never let you go." She stated matter of factly. Nico nudged me, letting me know everyone was taking off, so we followed them, leaving the odd-couple behind.

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