The Trip

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The trip was quite adventurous and comedic, with many moments of Blu messing up and taking us all over the place. One night during the trip, I couldn't sleep at all. The idea of possibly seeing my family and friends again excited me too much. After a while of tossing and turning, I finally sighed as I flew a few ways away from the group of sleeping birds and over to a nearby viewpoint as I looked at the late-night sky, giving up on sleeping. Hearing someone flying towards me, I looked behind me to see Nico flying towards me. "What are you doing up so late, meu amor?" He asked in a sleepy voice. "Sorry, babe. I wasn't able to sleep much. What about you?"

~*Nico's POV*~

I sighed as I looked down at my talons, kicking them a bit as I mumbled "Yeah.. Same." "What's got you all worked up?" (Y/N) asked me. "I-" I huffed and looked to the side. "It's too embarrassing." I felt a feather lifting my chin, making me look at (Y/N)'s face, staring deep into her mesmerizing eyes. "Tell me, meu raio de sol." She said. "I'm- I'm afraid you'll find a bird of your own and like him more than me.." I sighed as I let out my inner fears. I watched her face intensely as it froze up, before proceeding to start laughing at me. I looked at her confused as I took my head out of her wing.

"What's so funny?" We both sat down as she calmed her laughter, wiping a tear from her eye. "It's just-" she inhaled as another fit of giggles rocked through her body. "I'm not going to find another bird. Because you're the only bird for me." She finished as she looked at me with the biggest smile ever, her eyes filled with mirth and love. "Really?" I smiled back at her. "Really." She said before resting her head on me as we both looked at the stars together before getting tired and retiring back to bed.

~*(Y/N)'s POV*~

We landed on a building in a market square. Everyone was taking a small break while Blu was checking his GPS. Eventually taking us on our path, I heard a commotion going on below us. Looking down, I barely catched a glimpse of an ant-eater before a lot of colorful gas started going everywhere. Shrugging, I looked back up as I continued to follow my group.

~Skip to boat scene~

We finally made it to the boat, everyone finally getting to fully relax. Hearing Jewel shout "Oh, this air! It's so fresh and full. Goodbye, stinky city air!" I chuckled as I nudged Nico who was next to me dozing off. "Hm?" He asked as he lifted his hat and looked at me. "Jewel's right, y'know. You're gonna love the fresh air in amazon, it's much more breathable and danceable than it is in the city." Nico chuckled as he put his hat back over his face, sliding farther down into a comfortable almost-lying position. "I'm sure it is."

As it grew darker, everybody settled down next to some boat horns to sleep peacefully out of sight from the humans. Me, Nico, and Pedro were piled next to Blu while Gilbert and his wife Astra were sleeping together from the opposite corner of us. I smiled as I snuggled more into Nico before closing my eyes and falling into a peaceful sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself back in the amazon forest, dancing with everybody I used to know and with everybody I now know. We were all singing, laughing, and having fun. As Nico twirled me, something told me to look behind me. As I did, I noticed trees falling down and a huge human vehicle driving past them with huge arms coming out of it. I gasped as I looked back to Nico, seeing him staring in shock and horror at the vehicle. As I opened my mouth to shout at him to fly, a huge horn blew out of nowhere.

I jolted from my sleep, bumping heads with Nico as I looked around in panic. We heard Blu scolding Tiago about not pranking everyone. I sighed as I held a wing over my fast beating heart, trying to calm it before going back to bed.

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