The Battle

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Later that day...

"She ate a bug! A bug!" I rolled my eyes at Blu's freaking out over Jewel eating a bug. "Blu! Blu, Blu! Calm down." Rafael said. "Yeah man, eating bugs in the jungle is normal. Get used to it." I laughed, feeling Gilbert nudge me while giving me a disgusted look. "Calm down? We had a plan. Help Linda and Tulio find the flock and get home. But when I mentioned it to her, she completely shut me down. Oh! Oh, oh, oh...and her father? Mmm! Total nut job. He's got this weird thing about humans." I rolled my eyes. City birds are weird. "He's right, guys. Eduardo and Wesley were both pissed at us." Gilbert chipped in.

"He called us pets! I can't believe he used the P word to my face!" Blu huffed. "It's like he thinks we're the enemy or something." Gilbert sighed. "Oh hush, Uncle Eduardo just isn't used to, uh, birds that are familiar with humans." I reassured him. "Yeah hun, maybe just try giving them another chance?" Astra said as she rubbed Gilbert's shoulder to comfort him. "Oh, really? What about that Roberto? He's always watching! He's always hovering around Jewel. And he's always singing something! I can't compete with that." Blu sighed in defeat. "Now, I gotta agree with Blu there," Nico cut in. "Jake too is always hovering around my (Y/N) and snatchin her from me. I can barely get a minute with her." He huffed as I patted his back.

"You birds gotta bird up, birds! You gotta emancipate yourself from domestication." Pedro said, pointing the last sentence more towards Blu and Gilbert. "Try to see this place through her eyes. Taste the flavors she's tasting." Nico said as he put his wing around me in a side hug. "Ooh, so I should eat a bug?" Blu asked. "Ew, that's just nasty, thinking about it." Pedro said, causing me to stop reaching for the caterpillar on the nearby leaf. Just then, the cockatoo came passing through looking for glitter, bumping into Blu.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry." Blu quickly apologized. "I don't want apologies. I want glitter." The cockatoo said, frustrated, as he walked off while grumbling "Ugh. Glitter is absolutely essential for a magical performance. Do you know nothing?" Just as he disappeared, Clara comes swooping in. "Guys! Rehearsals, big day tomorrow. Ring a bell? Come on. You're coming, right, Dad?" She looked up at Blu. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, of course." Blu stuttered as Clara flew off. "That girl put the 'business' in 'show business'" Pedro stated. "I know right?" I laughed as we flew off.

The next day...

I giggled as I woke up to something tickling my face. As I open my eyes, I find Nico holding onto me in his sleep. I yawn as I stretch, causing him to snuggle deeper into me. I chuckled to myself as I carefully unwrapped myself from him, going out to the brazil nut tree. Catching a glimpse of Bu flying off while yelling something about his fanny pack, I shrugged as I picked a brazil nut before taking it back to Jake's nest, where I found Nico just started to stir from his sleep.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I smiled as I broke the nut in half, putting one half at the edge of the bed for Nico while I ate the other half. "Good morning, meu amor." Nico yawned as he stretched before catching a glimpse of the nut, quickly devouring it. We then went out to the living room where everybody else was gathering as we all hung out and just talked. At some point while we were all dozing off, I heard Jake and Roberto's voices shouting in the distance "Let's go, let's go, let's go! Pit of Doom, now!" Causing my head to perk up from its resting place on top of Nico's. "What's going on, meu luar?" Nico mumbled as he lazily lifted his head. "Yeah, let's get 'em!" A Spix Macaw shouted as a mixture of (insert bird type) and Spix Macaws all zoomed past the nest. "Something is." I said as we all got up and followed them to see what was happening.

As we reached the Pit of Doom, we saw a gathering of Blue Macaws and Red Macaws in the pit on opposite sides, while sitting on the bleachers were also a bunch of Blue and Red Macaws on their rightful sides, while the (insert bird type) were staying in the bleachers and on the side lines on the Blue Macaw side, as this wasn't their fight but they'd still cheer them on. As we flew down to the front, we could see Roberto and Felipe in the middle glaring eachother down. "No mercy!" I heard Aunt Mimi shout. "Give them pain!" Aunt Tila shouted. I watched as the Macaws all started cawing and a Coin Bird was flipped before the game started.

"Ay-ya-ya! It's a beautiful day in the Pit of Doom! It's winner take all!" The Tapir Game Announcer said. "It's the best of seven. The winner will take control of the entire Brazil nut grove!" The Porcupine Game announcer also said. I hear "Water. Get your water here." and look over just in time to see a Blue Macaw snatching the shell of water from Blu, the waterboy,, causing me to laugh.

"Roberto is unstoppable! He's incredible! He's everywhere!" The Tapir Game Announcer said in astonishment. "Go, Roberto!" Me and Astra cheered with Jewel's kids. "Yeah!" I laughed as Jake cheered for Roberto and put his wing around my shoulder. "Roberto springs free! There he goes, there he goes, there he goes! He shoots! GOAL!" The Tapir and Porcupine announce together as we all cheer. "Goal! Goal! Goal! Oh, my! Ay-ya-ya! Felipe has the ball. The Red Macaws are making a comeback. Felipe pass to Tito. Tito with Mario. Mario with Cesar. Cesar to Antonio. Now! Felipe scores!" The Tapir announced, causing the Red Macaw side to all cheer while we just sighed.

"Felipe, Roberto. Roberto, Felipe. Roberto, Felipe. Roberto, Felipe. Felipe, Roberto! Goooooooooal!" The Tapir announced as we all cheered again, making me hug Nico in all my excitement while a Blue Macaw got hit by a Scarlet Macaw. "Ooh! Ay-ya-ya. That's got to hurt." The announcer winced while the Blue Macaw was taken off the field and replaced with another. Shortly, as the announcer is saying "Felipe-lipe-lipe!" We watch Felipe hit a Blue Macaw, causing Eduardo to scream "Hey!" in frustration. "Foul!" The Coin Toss Bird announced. "Oh! Come on, ref!" Felipe sighed. My eyes went wide as I saw Blu enter the battlefield. "Yeah, Dad!" The kids cheered next to me. "A new player is coming off the bench. Is he a secret weapon?" The Tapir Game Announcer said in excitement.

"Ooh. I think it's the waterboy." The Porcupine Game Announcer then said. I watched as Blu kept scrambling around trying to get a pass but not getting any, until eventually the ball was finally passed to him, only hitting him on the head, real hard it looked like. "Ooh!" We all winced for the poor bird. We watch as Felipe takes the ball from Blu, which Roberto then takes from Felipe. "Roberto moves in. He shakes one, then another! Roberto! Gooooooal!" The Tapir announced as we all cheered once more. "We are now tied in the Pit of Doom. Whoever scores next..." The Porcupine starts. "Wins it all!" The Tapir finishes. We watch as the ball starts to fall, and Blu quickly goes after it, managing to catch it before it hits the river.

"Pass the ball to Roberto!" Eduardo shouts at Blu. Blu ignores Eduardo and Roberto's frantic shouting as he heads towards the wrong goal and shoots the ball straight into it, leaving us all baffled. The referee blows the whistle, signaling the end of the game, and the Scarlet Macaws win. "It looks like the secret weapon just backfired! Let's go to Eduardo for his reaction." The Tapir said, causing us all to look at Eduardo, who is absolutely fuming. "Oh! I'm gonna kill you, fanny pack!" He shouts in his anger. As we were leaving in defeat, I looked back once more to see Jewel and Blu arguing.

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