New Family

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8 Months later

Jack's POV

It has been months since I joined the avengers and seriously it was the best decision of my life. Along with getting my sister, I got a new family.

I have learnt to control my powers and they are too many, Steve helped a lot with that. Natasha taught me hand to hand combat skills and Tony offered to make me a new suit which I denied Tony who visits us every week is like a cool friend with whom I can share everything, Bruce is the innocent friend whom I love to tease along with Natasha, oops she is still my possesive strict sissy yet loving and caring.


Jack was lost in his own thoughts with a smile on his face, he felt a pat on his shoulder. He looked up to see Natasha looking at him with a amused grin.

"Hello King Jack, are you lost in the thoughts of your beautiful queen" She teased dramatically. He rolled his eyes at her getting up from his seat.

The jet landed on the ground. It was cold and right now they were invading Hydra base at sokovia.

"Shit" Tony yelled as he discovered about the shield around the fort

"Language!" Steve replied through the comms, Jack rolled his eyes. " jarvis what's the view from upstairs?" Steve asked throwing an agent away.

"The central building is protected by some sort of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any Hydra base we've taken"

"Loki's sceptre must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defence without it. At long last." Thor said .

"At long last is lasting a little long boys" Natasha replied shooting an agent.

Jack nodded and blasted back to back vehicles and tanks with his palms shooting energy beams while floating in air .

Natasha looked at him in awe making the boy smirk. "Tony, I want a suit as well now, this boy is giving me inferiority complex"... Clint and Steve chuckled at her complaint.

Clint dodged a shot and began firing explosives at the bunker from where the shot came ."Yeah, I think we lost the element of surprise." Jack landed beside him shooting energy beam at the bunkers. He saw natasha facing some trouble and ran to him within seconds he was fighting the enemies with her.

"Hold on a minute.." Jack spoke while tackling three Hydra agents within seconds using his speed. "No one else is gonna deal with that fact that cap just said 'language'?"

"Oh thank god, I thought I was the only one that noticed." Tony replied through the comms laughing slightly.

Steve flipped the bike he was on, causing it to collide with a truck of hydra soldiers." It just slipped out." he announced.

Before he could continue running, Steve heard the click of a gun behind him, he quickly turned around but to his surprise saw the soldier being punched away into the air and slammed into a tree. Jack stood few meters away from him with a smirk and arms folded.

Jack smirked at Steve " Thank me later oldie" and ran away in a blur to help Clint. "

"The city is taking fire." JARVIS announced.

"Well, we know Strucker's not going to worry about civilian casualties. Send in the Iron Legion."Tony replied.

Jack and Steve were moving towards the fort with Steve throwing his shield at few hydra soldiers and Jack blasting occasional soldiers with a punches of energy that shot from his hands. Jack was running at an ordinary speed with Steve as Natasha had strictly instructed him to remain before his sight unaware of what dangers were waiting for them inside the fort.

They were both suddenly knocked off and both fell onto their backs. The pair quickly got up and exchanged a confused look.

"What the hell was that?" Jack questioned while looking around. Steve opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Natasha on the comms.

"Clint's hit!" Natasha informed them." Somebody want to deal with that bunker?"

She continued while rushing over to Clint. Not even 2 seconds later, The Hulk was already smashing through the bunker destroying it instantly. "Thank you."

"Stark, we really need to get inside." Steve urged, as he and Jack began shooting energy punches at next wave of hydra soldiers coming out of the fort.

"I'm closing in. JARVIS.. am I closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?" Tony questioned while firing at the soldiers he encountered.

Tony fired at the fort and within a few seconds, the shield that was protecting it was deactivated.

"The drawbridge is down people." Tony said over the comms.

Jack and Steve exchanged a look, suddenly Thor landed at the side of them."Did you see the enhanced? "

"He's a blur. All the new players we've faced. I've never seen this. In fact, I still haven't." Steve replied.

"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys.We're gonna need evac." Natasha spoke up through the comms. "I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone, the better. You two and stark need to secure the sceptre."Thor told them both.

"Yes, yes. We know." Jack replied.

Jack turned to his right and noticed a line of soldiers running towards them with a tank not that far behind. Thor and Steve noticing Jack's drifted attention, looking the the same direction."Looks like they're lining up." Thor said, gripping his hammer tightly.

Thor gave Jack a nod who gritted his teeth and they both fired a blast at the soldiers, Thor's lighting and Jack's energy beam intertwining to make the impact much more powerful causing the tank as well as the soldiers to get easily wiped out in one hit.

Thor smiled then started to spin his hammer, getting ready to take off. "Find the sceptre."

They both gave Thor a nod before watching him fly.

"And for gosh sake, watch you're language!" Tony mocked over the comms making Jack laugh.

"That's not going away anytime soon." Steve sighed.

"It's your own fault, old man." Jack shrugged before running towards the fort. Once they both got inside, Steve and Jack gave each other a nod splitting up to look for the sceptre inside the fort.

"We're locked down out here." Natasha informed them.

"Then get to banner, time for a lullaby." Steve replied. Jack checked into different rooms in the fort but suddenly his hearing picked up sounds of someone struggling.

"We have a second enhanced. Female. Jack she's headed in your direction, do not engage." Steve replied out of breath.

"That sounds fun, maybe this one will actually be a bit of a competition." Jack rolled his neck and rubbed his hands together in excitement as he heard someone walking towards him and by the sound of light footsteps, he knew it wasn't Steve or Tony. It was her.

The girl slowly came around the corner and, he turned and both spotted each other at the same time.

"So, I'm guessing you're the enhanced girl that kicked my friend's ass?" Jack said with a frown on his face, making the girl prepare to attack him.

"Are you trying to scare me with these energy webs, well weak attempt". He gestured with his thumb down.

" You are " She said making him confused, he sensed something approavhing him but before he could counter he was punched in the gut by the second enhanced.

Upon getting up he shrugged, " This is gonna be fun ". He saw the boy rushing towards him with speed but this time Jack was prepared as he saw his punch coming at his face which Jack dodged easily. Lifting in air Jack gave the boy a hard kick in the back knocking him in the wall.

Jack felt some force grabbing him, he looked down to see wisps of energy wrapped till his chest. He looked at the girl trying to free himself but failed. Wanda shot him glare and next Jack fell on the floor unconscious.


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